PS2 backups on DVD+R...?


Hope this isn't against the rules (shouldn't be really, cause I'm not offering or looking for advice with the process itself, just have a quick question about the choice of backup media? And naturally I'm talking about backing up games I already own...) Mods, please delete if I'm out of line... [broken link removed]

I've read in different places that
(a) you can't use DVD+Rs, only DVD-Rs are PS2-compatible (for games, whatever about movies)
(b) you can use either, as long as the discs are of reasonable quality and you burn at 1x... (I'm using Alcohol 120%, for what it's worth)
(c) that it depends on the PS2 version you have. Mine's v.9.

Can anyone confirm or deny, based on actual experience as opposed to just hearsay? Reason being I just accidentally bought 100 Datawrite "yellow" 4x DVD+Rs on eBay - instead of DVD-Rs, 'my duh!' as the kids say...[broken link removed] - and I'm wondering whether I should crack open the wrapping and try my luck, or leave them sealed and try to flog them on... [broken link removed]

I don't know, but a quick and this link appears to support DVD-R and DVD+R.

BTW Does anyone know why the Insert Image button in vBulletin ends up with the URL and not the image?

All those fancy external emoticons don't look so good as URLs!
Why are you using Insert Image rather than the Insert Smilie drop down list to insert emoticons/smilies?
ClubMan said:
Why are you using Insert Image rather than the Insert Smilie drop down list to insert emoticons/smilies?

If you are asking me, I do use the Insert Smilie. However, I sometime use Insert Image when I want to spice something up. Except that they end up as URL links which aren't as... spicy!
I don't think that vBulletin (at least how the AAM version is configured right now) displays linked images as embedded in the page but instead simply as links. I don't know how some people end up with links to smilies rather than the smilies themselves (as above) though.
Image-hosting websites (such as typically offer a choice between a 'hotlink for forums/websites' or just a direct link to the image (beginning with 'http://', no tags).

If you use the vBulletin formatting to insert one of the former type of links, it presumably further 'wraps' its own tags around the line of text, thus:


...but if you insert the direct link you should just get the image itself:

[P.S. re my original question: thanks, MonsieurBond - it does indeed seem that DVD+Rs will do the trick, at least with later versions of the PS2. I think I'll just take a chance and try it - I got the discs very cheaply (€45 delivered), so I guess 45c isn't too much of a gamble...!

Dr Moriarty
Could be - whatever way mine is configured, I see the hyperlinks/images in the preview pane before I even post the reply. I must be in WYSIWYG mode or something...
I am in WYSIWYG editor mode too and although I see the image while composing the post I only see it as a link in Preview Post mode or in the final submitted version.