PRTB Documents


Registered User
I registered with the PRTB as a landlady a few months ago. sent off my cheque which was cashed shortly after.

Is there some sort of response / documents i should have received by now?


I know they are pretty slow to send back anything, cant remember if I even received a letter but I did check and I was listed have a look and see if you are there
i just called them they said i was only registered this month but yet my cheque was cashed 2 months ago. Oh well at least im registered anyway. Shes posting out doc`s. Suppose ill get them in March 08.


I've registered twice and never got anything back from them. Cheque was cashed both times and my name appears OK on the PRTB list.

A receipt of some sort would've been nice !
They (are supposed) to issue letters to the landlord and tenants to acknowledge receipt of application & payment and inform tenants they are covered by the appropriate legislation etc.
I've registered twice and never got anything back from them. Cheque was cashed both times and my name appears OK on the PRTB list.

A receipt of some sort would've been nice !

What is the PRTB list? I am registered with them for a few properties, but would love to see my name on a list to reassure me that the registration process is complete.????
I had occasion to ring them twice recently with queries not answered clearly anywhere on their website. I found them very helpful, but be careful- accents were foreign on both calls, so be ready with clear questions, and ask them to repeat answers if you dont get the accent at first.
If you look up the list of registered properties on the website, you will --well, you MAY --find your property registered, though they said this has not been updated from last May.
The registration and E70 fee is (sort-of) attached to the new tenants, so if you have the same tenants for up to 4 years you do not have to re-register, only initially.
My problem was that my tenants had no PPS numbers, or would not give them to me-- ((and I dont see why I have to try and prize this personal information out of them anyway??? )) They returned the form and cheque to me, etc--- but on phone they advised me to write a note to that effect, and re-send it.