prsi increase


Registered User
hi hoping someone can help me. on same salary as last year but my prsi seems to have increased. paid 62e in December(and all months previous) in prsi but paid 112.63 in january. does any one know why this might be?
Hi, it sounds like the income levy has been added to the PRSI on your payslip, would that make sense with the numbers?
The figures dont seem to add up.
In 2008 on a weekly wage of € 1,117 you pay € 61.94 PRSI .
In 2009 on a weekly wage of € 1,117 you pay € 61.94 PRSI plus the 1 % Income Levy , which is € 11.17 . TOTAL = € 73.11 .

This calculation is based on an employee at Class A.
I would guess that in the final paycheque of 2008 you exceeded the PRSI ceiling and were paying some PRSI at 2%, and are now paying entirely at 6% again. Compare it to previous payslips as well as the last one from 2008.
i compared it with all payslips from august last year. and its not income levy as its listed by its self on my payslip.
Hi Shanedan
I'm really curious to see the outcome of this. Assuming you are paid monthly on a salary of €2100, PRSI would be €61.96. In order to have a monthly liability of €112.63, your salary would have to be €2244.50 which would move you from Class AL to A1. What class is showing on your payslips?
However - your PRSI class is affected by medical cards or social welfare payments. The monthly PRSI on €2244.50 would drop to €67.74 if you were in receipt of one of these?

1.PRSI – If your earnings hit a certain limit in the year (details in the link) your PRSI drops by 4% (it goes back up by .5% after another limit!), however in January the clock starts again and you go back to the normal rate of PRSI until you hit the limit again

Compare it to your salary in Jan last year and you'll see the PRSI is about the same. I noticed the same thing.
Based on the information supplied, PRSI deduction of €112.63 would relate to €2244.50 montly in which case the ceiling would not apply. Alternatively, it might refer to a weekly salary of €1959 in which case the PRSI would drop after approx 26 weeks but it would drop to €39.35 not €62.