PRSI contributions statement


Registered User
Hi, When does the statement get updated for 2022? I can see all of mine for the years leading up to 2022 but the aforemetioned is blank.
I have the same issue. I had a brief period of unemployment recorded but the rest is blank in the revenue website. I asked an update off my contribution on the social welfare website recently. I haven't received it yet.
When I request a contribution statement via myWelfare my 2022 contributions are present and correct.
I believe can take until the end of march of the following for the records to be updated
I believe can take until the end of march of the following for the records to be updated
I thought that with the elimination of employers' P35 returns a few years back there shouldn't be such a reporting delay?
When you log into my welfare to request refund of prsi section. It advise refunds for 2022 can't be processed untill the records are updated in march 2023
As an employer, I know that there's a period of time between the end of each month and when I pay employer & employee PRSI. Any accountants on here can probably confirm what that period is. So I'm guessing that the employee PRSI records won't be updated until after the employer has paid over the December PRSI.
Based on the last 3 or 4 years, its been April before the previous year's contributions appear online.

I thought that with the elimination of employers' P35 returns a few years back there shouldn't be such a reporting delay?
Remember its not just employer returns which is probably the easiest part. Social Protection also issue credits for a lot of people and I believe that this is where the delays arise. And understandably, they don't update the online records piecemeal, they wait and update everything in one go (annually) to avoid spurious queries - I'm not in any way justifying the 3/4 month delay, just relaying the explanation I was given when I queried it. Beats me why they don't update it in realtime or something close to it.
My PRSI "contributions" last year were credits and are present and correct for 2022.
I checked yesterday afternoon before posting that response and I had nothing showing for 2022. On checking just now my credited contributions for 2022 are present. However my paid contributions for 2022 have not appeared.