PRSI and job share


Registered User
Hi I am working job share at the moment. I'm on part of every week. eg. 2 days one week / 3 the other and so on.....

Im trying to calculate how many contributions I've made. When I was full time most were 52 credited contributions per year.
How does it work for job share?

Based on your work pattern, you'll get 52 contributions per year.
People who jobshare week on week off could find that they only pay 26 contributions per year.
I thought this but was told it depends on how you are paid. If paid weekly yes but if paid fortnightly no. Whether this is true or not I don't know. Check your payslip to see how many are credited.
I would recommend taking specific advice from the Social Welfare office on this as it is not always clean cut. There certainly was a time in the past where job-shares I employed both had to come in to ensure their contribution weeks were full. The PRSI contribution week is not Monday to Sunday it starts on Jan 1st every year so this year it is Monday to Sunday but next year it will be Wednesday to Tuesday (as this year was a Leap year).

When did you start on the jobshare ? If more than a year ago you could just check your PRSI contribution statement using if you're signed up.
Would antone knowiIf you have worked in the EU in the late 70's for short periods - three months and six months - will that add to your PRSI for pension or are there minimum periods you must have worked
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