Provisional Licence holder


Registered User
I'm currently on my third provisional and have to use my car every day. If I am stopped by the Gardai what are they likely to do? IS it serious or will they just give you a warning? I applied for my test last November and I still haven't heard anything about it!!
Hi Joey,

I'm in the same boat as you, and got stopped (on my own) by Gardai at a standard checkpoint - they checked the insurance etc, then asked to see my licence.

I said I was on a provisional & they asked which one.

I said third and they just went grand, off you go.

All in all, I think you're fine.
Thanks for that Jareck, it gives me some peace of mind. My sister is currently on her first provisionsal and wants to start driving on her own now. She's only 18 and I reckon the Gardai would be more inclined to give her a harder time than they would to me driving on my provisional. I suppose it depends on the Garda that stops you to some degree.
only your second provisional entitles you to drive on your own.

This did not used to be enforced that strictly but they may be clamping down on it now.

You could be charged with driving without a valid license.
My niece was stop after doing her driving test (which she failed). She is on her first prov. licence. The guard told her to go straight home and if she was stop again driving on her own she would be up in court. So they are enforcing the law in some places. This happened in Cavan town.
My brother was pulled in Limerick on his first provisional licence last year and it was taken all the way to court where he received a E100 fine and was told not to drive alone. As it happens the judge gave the Garda who reported him a right "what are ya playin at frown" I think the judge viewed the case as a waste of the courts time really but it just goes to show you it really does depend on the attitude of the individual Garda who stops you.
Very rare to be charged unless there is something else wrong... like tax, insurance , speeding, or giving the guard an ear full.... (unless you get a cranky ******)
I think the law is clear in this matter.
People shouldn't really be giving off just because they were caught.
If you had an accident driving on your own as a first provisional holder would that not void your insurance?
originally posted by Niallman
If you had an accident driving on your own as a first provisional holder would that not void your insurance?

If you have comprehensive insurance and are involved in an accident that you caused, (and are driving alone or without a qualified driver), then the insurance company is within their rights to decline an accidental damage claim as the driver was in breach of their driving licence regulations BUT all other parties will be settled.
If you were not the cause of the accident, the other insurance company settles for your damages.
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