Proving identity


Registered User
A friend of my wife lives, to put it crudely, under the radar.

She is not in paid employment, does not have an account with a financial institution, does not have a driving licence, does not have a passport. In summary she had no formal form of photo ID.

She wishes to open a bank account but cannot provide a form of photo ID acceoptable to the bank.

She could apply for a passport or driving licence but doesn't want to spend €whatever for something she'll only need to open a bank account.

According to , people who cannot provide one of the suggested forms of identification can offer an alternative, but that varies from institution to institution.

Has anyone here come across this before and/or can you suggest a zero/low-cost method of getting a suitable photo ID ?
The Garda age card costs €6 and can be obtained in person at her local Garda Station.
For a face to face meeting, instead of driving licence and passport, she could submit a document or card issued by a Government Department or a letter/statement issued by a person in a 'position of responsibility'.
TarfHead said:
A friend of my wife lives, to put it crudely, under the radar.
What exactly does this mean? I can think of all sorts of possibilities but I'm not sure which, if any, is appropriate.
the Garda Age card states it is not a form of ID and can only be used to verify the age of the holder. Also it says you require a Birth Cert and another form of ID to apply (which is probably a passport anyway.....)
ClubMan said:
What exactly does this mean? I can think of all sorts of possibilities but I'm not sure which, if any, is appropriate.

It was not my intention to suggest anything sinsiter or subversive - rather that a lot of what I take for granted as being attributes of modern living does not, for her, exist, namely a passport or driving licence or work ID.

She does have a PPN but needs photo ID.

ceepee said:
The Garda age card ..
Great suggestion - thanks. I suspect she may have other issues with that but my hand of friendship only reaches out so far :rolleyes: .
[broken link removed]

Page 27 onwards deals with people who don't have the usual identification.