Protesters leave sit-in at Quinn Group headquarters


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One of the protesters, Padraig Donohoe, told the BBC that the local community was fully supportive of Mr Quinn.

"We feel that the eviction of Sean Quinn out of his office is not in any way representing the local area. We feel there are going to be a lot of jobs lost," he said.

He blamed past "mismanagement" of Anglo Irish Bank for the present lack of confidence in its ability to run the Quinn Group.

"We plan to occupy this office until Sean Quinn tells us to go," he added.

"We believe Sean Quinn is the rightful owner of this premises. He's the man who created this business 38 years ago, he's the man who gave 6,000 jobs to this area."

Sean Quinn eventually told them to go.

This has me really annoyed. I feel part of a large silent group that's taking everything on the chin and getting on with things. There's a growing list of people who should know better who are just killing any confidence I have in this country:

People protesting at Quinn's offices despite a sensible move to continue the business as a going concern under different management, protecting existing jobs.

Judges looking to spook the state into paying their taxes for them.


The banks, the developers, the regulator and the politicians obviously.

People who vote for politicians so crooked that they've been kicked out of their own political parties.

The ECB.