Protected structure - pre 1963 property



Hi there

We have a family owned house in Ballsbridge. It is protected structure with pre 1963 planning. It is currently split into 5 apartments. There is one title over the whole property.

Does anyone know if it feasible to split the title into 5 separate titles and what the procedure / requirements may be.

Sounds like a legal question to me - not sure anyone here can answer it.
any suggestions which local authority I could contact about this?
Hi there

We have a family owned house in Ballsbridge. It is protected structure with pre 1963 planning. It is currently split into 5 apartments. There is one title over the whole property.

Does anyone know if it feasible to split the title into 5 separate titles and what the procedure / requirements may be.


See a solicitor. It is possible to dispose of each of the 5 apartments so long as there is a management company structure in place to provide the services required and to hold the overall title. It is not a local authority issue. It is a legal issue.
