Protected Funds versus Deposit Accounts



I'm a saver who, for the first time, has a large lump sum that I wouldn't mind locking away for a few years - any opinions on investing in "protected funds" (e.g. New Ireland/Zurich/KBC etc.) versus switching between the highest earning deposit accounts I can find? Deposit rates minus DIRT seem miserable but by the time charges are deducted from the returns on investment funds what are the chances of being better off investing in a low risk fund?? Locking funds away is not a problem but I am risk averse.
Do yourself a favour. Knock New Ireland off your list. 40 months (3 and 1/4 years since I invested with this crowd and problems caused and created by the FP, and still matters are not finished been sorted yet.

Zurich and Standard Life are good but the Management Charge eats the funds up. 1.5% per year for simple Management !! KBC are ok also, but in the main are managed by New Ireland in this country.

Maybe try looking at ETFs which are becoming very popular.

Most important you will have to use your own competence as people selling these products work on Commission and the more you buy the more they make. And the Banks selling the products work on the same principle.
Hang on until next month and see what the terms of the National Solidarity Bond are like. It may suit your appetite.

At the moment Im looking at a proteted advantag bond with Irish Life. Time period is 6 years and 6 months.
Over ten years ago I made nothing other than getting back my initial investment after 5 years in a protected bond with ulster bank.
The way I rationalised in my mind at the time is that having the money locked away protected the money from me spending it!