Protect files from being burned on DVD


Registered User
I am looking for some software that will protect files being copied from a DVD-RW.

Is there separate software for this?

Or is there any DVD RW software that can do this as well burn dvd's?
What precisely do you mean? The subject suggests that you want to stop files being copied to DVD while the body of your post suggests that you want to stop files being copied from a DVD. Which is it? Or is it both?
How to stop a file being copied from a dvd? talk to every major music and entertainment company who've been trying to find a way for years. Every time they think they have, someone finds a way around it. google for dvdjohn

How to stop files being copied to a DVD-RW so that the data on it doesnt get overwritten? Have you got software that will let you burn files as read only?
I cant see how youd be able to change the status of the disc from RW to R though (not going into that here). Obviously youve considered using a DVD-R instead?
I want to stop files on a DVD R/DVD RW from being copied again.
Very difficult as mentioned above. CSS is the normal protection mechanism for movie DVDs but has been cracked. In any case it's always difficult to allow authorised access to files but prevent unauthorised or any copying of them in any situation. Even in the absence of the likes of DeCSS, when it comes to most media files there is always the analog hole. One way to protect files might be to only make them available through a proprietary application rather than directly (e.g. an application - possibly an installer - that extracts, say, the files from a zipped, encrypted and perhaps license checked binary blob) but this would involve a significant amount of development effort and would always be subject to cracking attempts.