Prospect, Rathfarnham


Registered User
Ive searched for an existing thread but I cant find it so apologises if one exists already.

We have noticed in the past year that a good few houses in Prospect, Rathfarnham, Dublin have gone on the market.

Can anyone who lives there advise on whether this is a good estate to buy in?

We are aware that traffic has doubled with the developments at Stocking Wood & Dalrida and are concerned that this is the reason a lot of families are moving out.

Has this had a major affect on getting out of the estate in the mornings?

Some of the houses for sale have surpassed turn key condition (as in really nice extras) so we are wondering why they would want to move. I appreciate families expand etc.. but with the option of attic conversion that would soon solve that problem for the majority.

Any feedback would be much appreciated as we are looking at renting in the area with the option of buying in 3+ months.
we looked at this estate recently, the thing that struck me is there is nothing within walking distance, ie shops pubs etc. also i didnt think there was much of a 'community' there really, it really wasnt the estate for us, i think there are much nicer estates in the locality, ie woodstown
A couple of friends live there and I live nearby and would pass by it most mornings. There seem be lots of different types of houses there a friend did a major extension to his there recently.
Nice area- close to mountains, not too far from town
Supposedly they have a very active commitee there that organise events in the estate - I think they have BBqs and such.
New bus outside the estate 74 every 30 mins
Schools nearby are quite good

Can be very noisy up top of the estate as some houses back onto the M50
No shops that close within walking distance- closest is costcutters or statoil. Plans for shops on Stocking Ave but who knows when/if will be built.
Traffic is getting worse outside but not really terrible to be honest only takes a couple of mins max to get the bottom of stocking lane.

All my friends are happy enough there
The houses there are very nice and it would be considered a good area. However, I would agree with previous posters re lack of facilities. There isn't even a small grocers or newsagents within easy walking distance and this is what has always struck me about this estate.
Nearest primary school is beyond walking distance. There was a new footbridge opened across the Owendoher river onto Edmondstown Rd last year but it has been padlocked for the last six months. This results in a long walk to Edmondstown primary school. I live close by and found it to be a rather characterless place, quite isolated, personally I wouldn't like it.
I have family living in Rathfarnham for the last 20 odd years.

The traffic up there is awful.

The thing about Rathfarnham is......well it's boring.

There really isn't a lot there.

Don't get me wrong there are some beautiful parks and places to walk but there are also lots and lots and lots and lots of semi detached houses plonked in the middle of nothing.

I have always looked at Rathfarnham as some kind of retirement area, like Dunlaoghaire....a grey town.
There's a lovely old village, a couple of shopping centres, a mix of old and new houses, views of the mountains, walks by the Dodder, easy access to the M50, Bushy Park, Marley Park, St Enda's. How exactly is Rathfarnham any more boring than any other suburban residential area in Dublin?
Having lived in Prospect for some time, myself and my family could not be happier.

Specific answers to your questions:
- nearest shop is Cost Cutters or Statoil
- traffic is not as bad as made out(based on travel from 8am to 9am down stocking lane)
- yes a lot of houses have gone up for sale but bought just as quickly, it seems quite a number are 3 beds,various reasons could contribute to this.
- very active but non obstrusive residents committee, ie tidy up and fun days.
- a lot of young families live here, just drive thru in the evening or at the weekend.

Obviously there are varying degrees of thought on the estate but in general it is a very nice and quiet place to live.
Looked at purchasing here ourselves 2 years back. Beautiful houses and lovely feel to the estate but what turned us away was lack of facilities, nothing within walking distance. We bought in the Rathfarnham area just on Grange Road and plenty of things within walking distance, shops, parks etc
Thank you for all your feedback.

We really dont know what to do.

There are a number of 3 beds for sale there at the moment. Some are beautiful and dont seem to be shifting at all so we are concerned that if its bad now what will it be like if we arent happy there.

Not sure if it is to do with the release of Stocking Wood & Dalrida.
i wouldnt think it has anything to do with stocking wood or dalrida, completely different leage imo

for one thing prospect have driveways, which none of the houses in SW or D have.
But the houses in Dalriada would be cheaper and are also better facilitated with shops and bus routes, so that might be a pull factor for some people.
It depends on what the OP is looking for - what constitutes a 'good estate'. Personally I think Prospect is a little bit isolated, no facilities in easy reach. But I wouldnt like Dalriada or Stocking Wood cos of management fees, parking issues, and house sizes.

The traffic in the area is back to a reasonable level for all 3 estates.

Im surprised a poster thinks of Rathfarnham like a retirement area - I would not agree with that at all - in my experience its fairly lively and plenty to do.
Yes the houses in prospect are nice and for the most part in walk in condition. Yes there are young families with plenty of kids playing on the streets.

But there are no ammenties within walking distance. There is a basic at best public transport. The house prices are far to high and I dont think the people at prospect listen to the news as the house prices are the same as they were a year ago and they are not budging not even a little!!
It should also be noted that there is a massive tranch of land owned by South Dublin County Council opposite the estate and that there is a proposal to create a massive facility for travellers on this land. There is also planning permission for another 400 houses nearby which may make the traffic situation worse.
FYI-Its less than one mile from the entrance of the estate to Costcutters. Am renting in this estate at the moment and like it more than i thought I would. Had reservations at first about distance to shops etc thats why I measured distance in the car. One thing though..while its fine walking down the hill now I wouldn't fancy it in the winter. Someone mentioned to me that the schools is a reason some people move. Quite a few people seem to send their kids to the schools in Rathfarnham and theres no direct bus route...

The 74A goes to Rathfarnham village- goes to the bottom of Ballyroan road so not a million miles from Santa Maria, Colaiste Eana as well.