Prospect Hill on Finglas Road

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sandra m

Registered User
Hi guys,
Did anyone here buy an apartment in Prospect Hill in phase 1? We bought one about 11 months ago but have not been able to move in yet. However, looks like it's starting to come together now! I was told by the agent that they are to release the next phase in a couple of weeks and that the new prices are likely to be a good bit higher than they were in the first phase. Has anyone got more info regarding completion dates?
I bought in Phase six and just moved in about three weeks ago. I'm not sure which one is phase one though? I thought phase seven was the block almost at completion stage - the one facing onto tolka valley road. Anway, there have been a few hitches in terms of apartments flooding etc, but I've been fairly lucky with mine. Security is pretty poor as well.
The site (still a building site) is exposed for all and sundry to walk in and have a look around and there has been some problems with access codes etc. Also the noise from the road is dreadful but we are slowly becoming desensitised to it!
We complained and there have been some half-hearted attempts to step up security. On the plus side, the builders on site, who will be around for another year or so, are hugely helpful and very good to deal with. There was a change in management on the site recently because the development work was so far beind schedule.
Anyway, good luck with the move. If you need anymore info/ insight into how place is shaping up, let me know.
My top tip is to get the curtains in first! There is no joy in waking up at 6 in the morning because of the light pouring in on top of feeling like you have moved onto a motorway! However, 40 bus route is amazing and you'll be in town in no time...
ftb2, thanks for the feedback! I'm not surprised to hear about the hitches - never seems to be smooth moving into a new apartment! We have bought in block 5A, which is not facing the road (we were worried about the noise).

I'm glad to hear that the apartment is bright though, as I dreamt last night that ours was very dark!!

Not good that there's security problems, hope it'll be better with the new management. The downside with buying early in the development is of course that you have to live on a building site for a while.

ftb2, did you get one of the duplex apartments? If so, what do you think of it (as opposed to a single-floor one)? Another question, by how long was your apartment delayed?

Thanks for your help, very much appreciated!
I bought duplex apartment last May and was told we could move in by end of November. The reality was that snag etc was ready to be carried out until February and we moved in earlier this month.

I wish I had had the foresight to take noise into account before purchasing, but like I said it is becoming less of a problem each day.

I love the duplex idea and to be honest, the place feels far more spacious than what I thought it would be. When we first viewed before Christmas, when it was near completion, our hearts sank because all the rooms felt so small.

The reality is quite different and compared with other 2-bed apts I've rented around Dublin, this feels so much bigger and the idea of having two floors allows for even more space.

I have to say I am starting to love the place now that we have the worse of moving, unpacking and the rest, over us now.

And you're right about prices, the builders told me that in six months, when two more phases are complete, the value will have gone up by an estimated 50k.
I'm glad to hear that you like the idea of a duplex, and that you're starting to settle in your new home! I hope we'll get a good few owner-occupier neighbours although I'd say a lot of the the apartments were sold to investors. Perhaps you know more if this is the case?

Three months delay is not too bad! We bought in April last year (more or less the same time as yourselves) and were told we could move in this April. We've now been told that there's a problem with the underground parking that will cause further delay. But as I said, we're not surprised!

Please keep me posted on any news, I'd very much appreciated it!
Hi Sandra,

We are also thinking to buy an apartment here, if you heard any more about this place, please let me know.
Hi root,

We went up the other evening and had a look at the development, and it seems to come together fine. The balconies are bigger than we thought they would be, and because our apartment is not facing the Finglas Road I don't think the noice will be too bad.

However, our block doesn't seem to be anywhere near completion so I think we have to continue to be patient!

root, are you thinking of buying the apartment as your home or as an investment property?
I'm sorry to shatter people's illusions here, but Prospect Hill is actually on the Phibsboro road's in Finglas! If you don't believe me, just look at the huge permanent sign put up by the council about 15 years ago right outside the complex on the footpath that says "Welcome to Finglas". Advertisments in the newspaper said "Prospect Hill, near Glasnevin" with no mention of the above glaringly obvious fact! There should be a law against false advertising!
Prospect Hill is neither Glasnevin or Phibsboro. It is very definitely on the Finglas Road and it is in the suburb of Finglas as is the Premier Squre development across the road where I live! I'm not sure I understand your point...
Mez, you're not shattering anyone's illusions. I'm very aware that the apartment I have bought is in Finglas, it's hard to miss the 'Welcome to Finglas' sign right outside the building!

But you can hardly claim false advertising, as South Finglas is quite near Glasnevin...
I agree with Sandra M. As an owner occupier in Prospect Hill, I am under no illusions when it comes to the address of the development, which is Finglas Road, Dublin 11.

The fact is that it borders glasnevin and is located equally between Harts Corner/Glasnevin and Finglas village.
As an owner occupier across the road (welcome new neighbours) it makes me smile the snobbery still abounds in Dublin...People are constantly trying to catch me out by saying...'oh so you think you live in Glasnevin do you?'. Just because the developer/selling agents tried to trick buyers doesn't mean we all fell for it!
Absolutely Lauren! I think its a fantastic place to live. I used to live in Drumcondra and thought moving out to Prospect Hill would feel like I was further away from town. But its quite the opposite, that 40 bus route is fantastic! There are so many of them and you are in the city centre in 10/15 mins....
I think its a super location. Did you hear there is a Lidl going up beside Premier Square? I aslo understand there are plans to redevelop land to the left of the development as well...
Not sure what ads you've been keeping a close eye on but when I was looking to buy something within my budget, Prospect Hill was brought to my attention through the many articles about the proposed development in the national press. The Irish Times and Sunday Tribune both carried extensive write ups which clearly identified the site as being in Finglas.
In the past there have been many examples of developers mooting their properties as being located in an area of greater repute than the actual postcode. There was a development in Swords last year which found itself at the centre of a huge row because the developers actually sold the properties as being in Malahide. In the end, Fingal County Council intervened because their records showed the land to be clearly within the boundary of Swords and not Malahide. The developers had to back down in the end...
Does anyone know if there are shops going into this development? If so what type?
Myself and my girlfriend just bought recently in Premier Square, very happy with the location and transport so far..

If you're feeling eneregtic its a nice safe 15-20 minute cycle into the city too with a cycle lane nearly all the way..

Would be interested to hear about plans for beside premier square too, haven't seen any planning signs there when i walked past.
Hi onerik, I've also just bought an apt in Premier Square. The plot of land beside our complex will be used for 3 blocks of apartments and an Aldi supermarket. I don't know what shops are planned for Prospect Hill, hopefully there will be a Spar or Centra going in, that would be handy!
I saw that the new phase of Prospect Hill is launching today. The two-beds start at €330K. Hopefully we will be informed of a closing date shortly...
hi everyone,
am considering buying in prospect hill. from what i have seen during the day, the area seems ok. Don't care about the address being in finglas but was just wondering how safe the area is at night. Also i have noticed that premier square across the road looks much more secure and while prospect hill seems very open to anyone to walk in. will it always be like that or is there security there at night?
Hi hgd,
I bought in Block 6 and moved in two months ago. Security was something we were very worried about initially as the development was even more exposed then than it is now.
There is a security guard patrolling the site during the day and at night, and there are security lights and CCTV cameras waiting to be installed at the top of the steep steps leading into the site.
We held our first meeting with the management company last month and security worries were raised. It was agreed that efforts would be made to see if the fence around the perimeter of the site could be raised to match that of Premier Square.
The problems so far have included windows being smashed from rocks thrown by passers-by, but this seems to have subsided in recent weeks.
The development has appreciated in value since I bought this time last May, so it has been a good investment.
If you need any more details in relation to the development, feel free to send a private message with any concerns or questions and I'll answer them as honestly as I can.
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