Pro's & Con's Interest Only Mortgage On Second Investment House


Registered User
Hi, Looking for peoples opions on the Pro's and Con's of buying a second house to rent out using a interest only morgage ?
1) Keep the interest payments high over the term of the loan
2) Handy for cashflow purposes

1) No capital repayment at all - you will always owe the original mortgage amount
2) Depending on the future sale of the house to make capital growth profit.
Munsterdude said:
1) Keep the interest payments high over the term of the loan
Why would high interest payments be considered a pro (except from the bank's point of view).
Tax deductible in full at top rate .. would be one reason;

In essence, if the only way a 2nd property works for folks is on an int only basis, then you are relying on continuing capital growth ..which will stop one of these days.