- Your concern about interest rate rises can be mitigated by fixing. Rental costs can also rise, and it is unusal to fix the rent for more than a year, or tending toward three at the most, whereas you can fix interest rates for longer terms.
- Is it worth considering being in the rental market indefinitely. Why the one to two year time frame? If you plan to buy again in two years, you need to really consider your logic and assumptions, and what happens if they are not right.
- If you do sell be very careful with your 90k. To me this is savings, not investment money. Yes put it in to a secure deposit account, but my advice is not to put it into any form of investment that carries risk.
My own personal approach is:
- Property prices are fluctuating massively currently (all downwards, unfortunately!), but this only matters to those who need to sell.
- Interest rates are also volatile (all upwards, unfortunately!), but this will ultimately have an impact on the rental market also. There is a cost to living somewhere, and this fluctuates.
- Your 1200 per month is made up of capital and interest payments. Taking a glass half-empty perspective, there is a worst-case floor on what your property is ultimately going to sell for. Once your mortgage amount owing passes below that threshold, you capital repayments are secure, and are effectively long term savings. In the case of rentaly, the rent will never contribute to long term savings.
- Taking a glass half-full perspective, it's likely that well located property prices will not collapse that much lower (already 50% reductions from peak). Your mortgage repayments will mean that you will have more equity in your home over time than if you decided to cash in now.