Proposed reform of taxi licensing system


Registered User
The Minister for Justice has committed to reform the taxi licensing system following the conviction for rape of a taxi driver. It’s appalling that people travelling home after a night out should be at risk from the very people they’re entrusting to get the home safely.

But what improvements would result in increased safety?

I know that background checks etc could be carried out but as far as I know, plates are still transferred between individuals on a casual basis.

How can the traveling public be assured that their driver has passed some form of Garda clearance?
Gardai currently vet all applicants for a Taxi licence. Whether that vetting process is fit and proper is another story. It also has to be renewed every 5 years and again, the Gardai need to approve that a person is a fit and proper person to hold such a licence.
The vetting process relates to the applicant but taxis and taxi plates are openly for sale and rent on Done Deal. I don’t know whether the vetting process extends to the actual drivers in these instances. I would have my doubts.
The vetting process relates to the applicant but taxis and taxi plates are openly for sale and rent on Done Deal. I don’t know whether the vetting process extends to the actual drivers in these instances. I would have my doubts.
In order to operate legally as a taxi driver, you have to have a specific licence and that application is vetted by the Gardai.

Can someone pretend to be a taxi driver, absolutely.
You can take steps to reduce risks:-
1. You don’t have to use the first taxi on the rank. You are entitled to walk through the taxi rank and choose which taxi you wish to use. Many punters don’t know this.
2. Ensure the taxi driver resembles the identification on the card on the dashboard.
3. You are entitled to dictate which route you want to use. Don’t be conned with somebody who informs youthe route is unapproved.
4. Let’s say you think you made the wrong choice along the way - use your mobile phone to take a photo of the taxi drivers identification on the dashboard. If the taxi driver complains just inform him/her you are taking precautions.
5. Sexist comment coming up - if you are female inform the taxi driver that you’ve texted somebody at your destination with estimated time of arrival.
6. Taxi drivers at airports tend to seek out longer journeys. Each airport has a system where some short journeys count as not losing a place in the queue of taxis on return to the airport. Sorry about the bad English there.Dont listen to any complaints from the driver.
7. Beware of chancers I.e taxi drivers who deliberately use circuitous routes to enhance their earnings. Google maps will give a fair idea of how long a journey should take.
8. I have an innocent appearance and my demeanour is always friendly and some taxi drivers try to take advantage of this. When necessary be stern and polite, it works.
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Most taxi drivers in my experience are decent people doing a hard job but there are a few bad apples. I have walked past a car in the rank in the past because it looked manky and always bring up where I am going on Google maps.

NTA in fairness are between a rock and a hard place when it comes to licencing and have been sued in the past, successfully, where they have refused to grant a licence. They also do carry out inspections but just don't have enough inspectors.
Most taxi drivers in my experience are decent people ... but there are a few bad apples.
That can be said about those working in just about any industry or sector (except teachers and nurses, they are all heroic and selfless).
I always use Uber or Freenow.

Even if you’re forgetful or very drunk you have an unambiguous record of trip, time, and driver.
NTA in fairness are between a rock and a hard place when it comes to licencing and have been sued in the past, successfully, where they have refused to grant a licence. They also do carry out inspections but just don't have enough inspectors.
I’ve never noticed a discrepancy between a driver and a likeness on the display. Taxis generally appear roadworthy to my eye. No fuming exhausts or bald tyres.

I complained to NTA once about a driver having his boot full of his own stuff and no room for my suitcase. NTA issued a verbal warning and a €25 fine within three weeks. By the standards of Irish public administration this is excellent.

It’s impossible for the NTA to suspend a licence in advance of a criminal conviction. The constitution is very clear on the presumption of innocence and the right to earn a living.
It should be a bail condition, there should be provision for temporary suspension. After all presumed innocent people suspected of crime may be imprisoned before trial if certain conditions are met.