Proposed Greyhound Kennels


Registered User
Hi All

I had a visit the other night after 10 in the evening from a stranger who informed me that he was proposing to build some kennels for greyhounds in a field next to my house. He intends renting the field from the owner. He says that he has to apply for planning permission and was just sounding us out regarding the issue. I had this guy checked out and seems that he is in too breeding greyhounds. I have been informed that he has a place currently in another part of the county which he has to leave and that he has up to 100 greyhounds there. Just wondering if anyone knows if he is required to look for planning as I have checked the council website but the exempted developments are not clear about greyhounds. I fear if no planning required that I have no place to raise an abjection. Any help appreciated.
I have a friend who breeds greyhounds and they are not big barkers if that's your concern.

Maybe hang out near a big greyhound farm and see how much it might bother you.

I can't help about the planning I'm afraid.
Hi Ludi,

Its a time honoured tradition around the country to breed greyhounds and sell them.
Its almost never been the subject of plannign permissions or indeed rates as fare as I am aware but its small scale stuff.

I think he will require planning as its not an agricultural use and the potential scale of it is enormous.
It sounds like a commercial breeding kennels and he will need a license I expect and properly set up buildings

The way the exempted development schedule works is that if its not stated explicitly it probably isn't exempted development.
A lot can be built under Agricultural or Industrial Uses without permission.
If this is agricultural land you should talk to the local planning officer.


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