proposed change to july tax reduction



Hi everyone,

Just heard some news, has anyone seen or heard the details of minister gormley's proposed amendments to the july vrt scheme. Apparently they're now considering making the reductions in road tax available to all post Jan 1st low emissions cars so as to reward those who had already made the conscious decision to go green (it was bound to come to this) Just wondering will the vrt reduction also apply for imports?? Am considering buying in the next week or so. Can anyone shed some light on this?

same thing, have a read here and look at posts further down

Hi Noah,

thanks for that but what I'm wondering is as follows;
under the proposed changes, if I decide to buy a 2nd hand 320d in a couple of weeks from the north, will the reduced vrt and road tax apply to it?
It seems that it's now going to apply to post january registered vehicles, subject to the amended legislation going through. Is this the case?
Where can I get some more info on the chamges being applicable from Jan 1st??


Not sure at the moment, was hoping for a few more replies. Only saw a small piece in the times earlier. Sit tight!
From what I understand it is the VAT only that is changing and not the VRT.

VRT is not under the control of the Minister for the Environment!
up until July, you will stay pay the VRT under the current system

after july you will pay VRT under the new system but it will still be taxed under the current system