Prophetic Lyrics - any other examples

Betsy Og

Registered User
When listening to this lyric it seemed to sum up our recent woes pretty much perfectly.

O God of earth and alter bow down and hear our cry [basic plea in our hour of need]
Our earthly rulers falter [Fianna Fail], our people drift and die [emigration]
The walls of gold entomb us [bank debt], the swords of scorn divide [public V private sector]
Take not thy thunder from us [no 'NAMA for the people'], take away our pride [IMF 'shame']

Bonus points for those identifying the song, & I think that bit could be from an olde english hymn.

Any other examples (music threads some of the best fun on here)
how wrong could you be!!!:D

I'll put a link up once someone's identified it and you can see for yourself.
It'll be a Revelation to the unenlightened when you disclose the truth to all, Betsy! ;)

There are Unbelievers amongst us!!!!!! Listen from 1 min 21 seconds and you will have your moment of musical revelation and salvation! You won't find many better!

Last Wednesday was a great day for me, Betsy. My cd copy of The Best of the Beast had been missing for over 2 years and, lo and behold, it turned up under a pile of books on a shelf! Unrestrained joy!!! :cool:

In reference to your thread title, the intro to The Number of the Beast could have been a reference to the bank stress test last Thursday, if the numbers had been slightly bigger!!! :eek:

Woe to You, Oh Earth and Sea,
for the Devil sends the beast with wrath,
because he knows the time is short.
Let him who hath understanding
reckon the number of the beast,
for it is a human number.
Its number is six hundred and sixty six.

Hear The Word here.