Property Values in Bray


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My partner and I are due to close on a 2 bed apt c75sqm on the seafront in Bray. With the €2bn mixed use pizzaro development and a €60m florintine shopping centre due to commence construction soon, coupled with the continued movement of people out of Dublin to places like Laois and Kildare, I am wondering if Bray has the potential to become a Dun Laoghaire-type location.

I would be interested to know other people's opinion. Obviously this is more of a hope for me given my investment. However, prices in Bray seem to have gone up by 10-15,000 from we went sale-agreed in February.

There are 4-bed cottages for sale around the corner from us for 1.1m.

Bray is also one of the fastest growing towns in Ireland.

Any views...
I think prices in Bray have increased at an accelerated pace since the M50 was completed.

The two developments you mention should make the town a more attrative location for people considering buying there. At present lots of shoppers from Bray would go to Cornelscourt or Dundrum. The Florintine centre was just granted planning permission and the other one on the old Bray Golf Club lands is still waiting for permission but its looking hopeful.

The Luas may even one day be extended to the western side of the town if Transport 21 can be believed.

Realistically Bray will never be as good as Dun Laoghaire becuase it isn't as close to town.
Its best feature is Bray Head. The view is very good from up there. There are lots of fine
houses that are undervalued relative to the prices being paid a few miles further north.
Agreed. I would also be sceptical about the Luas connection. I have been involved in Luas planning and I would see this extention as being of low priority given the Bray is already served by the DART. However, I would also suspect that the Pizarro developers may be required to make a significant contribution towards such infrastructure as part of their planning approval.
According to the Wicklow Times the current thinking (of a joint Dun Laoghaire Rathdown/Bray Town Council study) is that the Luas will go to a new business park being developed by Cosgrove Brothers at Fassaroe on the western side of the town. Deirdre de Burca is calling for that to be extended to the Pizarro development. I don't know how they'll get it between those two places.

The Dart is good but only serves the coast. Luas will open up the new parts of the city and correct the very clear in retrospect mistake made in 1958 of shutting down the Harcourt Street line to Bray.
Pizarro development have been granted planning permission by Bray Town Council/DLRCC for their €2 bn new development. This may further increase the values of properties close to this proposed new development!