I am in the process of switching my mortgage and my application has been approved. A requirement of this process is that I have the house valued. I provided an initial estimation of the house value which is in and around 2003 prices. The official valuation of the property will have implications for Loan to Value rate of my mortgage and consequently the interest rate which I will be given. We have been approved on the basis of a 50%-80% LTV. If the valuation of the property is lower than my initial evaluation by 20k then we will still quality just at the 80% level, but I am concerned about what will happen if the valuation is far lower than my estimate.
In very general terms are Auctioneers valuations of properties on the high or the low side?
Is the lender potentially going to have an issue with any difference between my valuation and the Auctioneers valuation?
I have to select the valuation company first and get approval from the Bank, so this rules out getting the valuation done by one company and then 'shopping around' to try and get a higher valuation from another company.
When I am calling around auctioneers for a valuation would it be acceptable to ask what they think the property might be worth ballpark, before actually selecting them for the job?
I have genuinely tried to make an educated guess as to the value of the property and I hope I don't appear to be trying to deceive anyone, I am just anxious that the switch will proceed without a hitch.