Property Journalists


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Property Investment Articles

Oh dear......
Almo I hope no one was upset our postings have disappeared
Re: Property Investment Articles

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Re: Property Investment Articles

Well Tom, I'd asked just in case there was a prob, and fair enough, questioning a journo's impartiality is not great unless they can defend themselves or show they've no vested interest etc, so fairs fair.
Re: Property Investment Articles

Well Tom, I'd asked just in case there was a prob, and fair enough, questioning a journo's impartiality is not great unless they can defend themselves or show they've no vested interest etc, so fairs fair.

I think it a pity that journalists generally don't disclose interests (or lack of interest) in a particular product or company for the sake of transparency. Often times you will see US journalists disclosing "Mr X owns Y shares in Company Z" that he is reviewing or promoting.

Lack of disclosre coupled with frequent rave reviews of particular companies or products does sometimes lead me to wonder about the impartiality of certain journalists.
Re: Property Investment Articles

AJC, it's like planners who can deicde where certain developments can go, they're like gold dust, and the more important the planner/journo, the better the end result and the more you need to lay out to get them onside. In my own view, if you've to pay for an article and esp. a one sided one, then something's not 100% (ie not as excellent as we'd be made believe).
Re: Property Investment Articles

Moved to Letting off Steam and edited to remove reference to any individuals.

If you want to make allegations against an individual journalist, find another site.
Anyone have any opinions on the work of the property journalists who work for the various Irish newspapers? This has been a huge growth sector in the past few years, and represents a very high percentage of any publication´s earnings from advertising.

In my own considered view, almost all of this "journalism" is completely lacking in objectivity, and largely consists of a reworking of press releases and brochures from property agencies or developers. It is quite clear to anyone who knows either the locations or the particular developments under discussion that in many cases the journalists have not even visited the project that is being described in such detail.

There was a time when all such writing would have a page heading that said "advertisement feature", as an acknowledgement that the story line was biased in favour of the advertiser. It is clear enough in the case of the Sunday Independent in particular that pretty much no project makes it into that paper´s pages unless it is also extensively and expensively advertised in the property section.

The Indo in my view is the worst offender, with the other broadsheet Sundays following not too far behind. The Irish Times does seem to make a stab at objectivity, with features often written when no advert is running. However even the Times seems to succumb to the malaise of recycling promotional material instead of writing fresh objective comment.

I can understand the newspapers´point of view to some extent. They are creaming it from a hot market, and the advertisers will take their business elsewhere if any negative comment emerges in editorial. The probelm as I see it is that quite a lot of people actually believe what they read in the property pages, as if it were informed journalism, when clearly it is anything but.

Anyone else have any thoughts on this, maybe nominate your worst offender?
I agreed with you 100% The Sunday supplements are the worst offenders, and should have 'Advertisement Feature' printed in big bold letters, there are a lot of 1st time investors who believe what these journalists write, and the editors have a responsibility to their readers/Too many people are going to get burnt on the back of the rubbish they are allowed to print. I could name one journalist that stands out for this but unforunately I cannot name him on this site.
I couldn't agree more Auto320.

Without going completely off topic and getting the mods down on me like a ton of bricks - this lack of objectivity in regard to foreign property is just one small section of way that the newsprint media has completely shifted , and my opinion , lost focus on the big picture in the last 20 years or so.

The prince of Darkness himself , Mr R Murdoch has a lot to answer for in this regard. His complete and ruthless restucturing of the Sunday Times in the 80's set the template for all of the newsmedia to follow - lots and lots of colour and lifestyle - perfectly designed to appeal to nouveau riche - cut the price that the consumer pays for the end product by selling premium advertising wherever possible to make the product profitable.

Genius - I don't particularly like it - He had probably the finest journalists in Britain when he took over the Times - Fisk , Pilger, etc etc - But the journalistic drawback is that he needed to tone down the commentary to avoid offending the advertisers ,whom he now made his profits from, and get rid of the quality journalism, as this costs money. As a business strategy -Brilliant and that's why the Guy is now sitting on top of the World's most extensive media company. This is the template that all other newsprint has followed in varying degrees since then , with honourable exceptions like the Guardian and London Independent.

As regards commentary and reporting on foreign property investment here - In your dreams if you think that the dailies and Sundays are going to give an honest ,unbiased and critical opinion on the folks that are paying off the massive investment that both the IT and the Indo made in super duper new printing facilities in recent years.

I think you are completely on the money in pointing out the Indo as a major offender - its funny - you read the indo , say this morning and the main part of the paper will have some pretty honest commentary on the wobbles in the property market here and the ERSI report in regard to this - go to the property section - welcome to Shangri la - the weather is permanently sunny and the worst thing that could possibly happen to you is that might have to do a second snag list - unbelievable - its like - "before you enter this section - please disconnect and leave your brain in a jar by the door (with due respect to P McCartney!) .

As regards the whole reporting - if you can call it that - of foreign property and investments - I just want to laugh out loud at some of the nonsense I read - as you said a 9 year old with a copy and paste facility on their Fisher Price PC would do a better job. But then again the section is paid for by the advertisers and they're not paying for objectivity. If you are trying to flog condos in the Florida at the moment , the last thing you want to see is an article beside stating the bald truth that the This post will be deleted if not edited to remove bad language of the market is going thru the floor with the velocity of a cruise missile currently.

Ditto Spain and Portugal - will there be any mention of the fact that a hell of lot of the building of the costas was done illegally and that the whole of the south of spain is facing a serious permanent drought situation in the immediate future.

Eastern Europe - will there any mention of demographics, future economic prospects bar holding some olympic event in the possible future, crime situations etc etc.

I could go on and on - The simple fact of the matter is that you get what you pay or work for when if comes to objective information in Todays society - If you are able to read between the lines , check out multiple sources ( some of which you will have to pay for - quality journalism costs - look at NY times, FT, etc etc) , check out the place yourself without a seller as a nanny - you will be able to reach a relatively balanced conclusion as to whether the investment has legs and more importantly whether its the investment that is right for you. However in todays" couch potato , I'll take the car 100 yards down the road to the Gym "society in which many have realized massive capital gains due to no more effort than being in the right place at the right time - that would probably sound like way too much effort , particularly when faced with those tempting visions and opportunties being offered for just a phone call in the glossies with the morning paper . Easy come - Easy Go I say