Proper free range eggs in South Dublin?


Registered User
Anyone know where i can get proper fresh free range eggs within a reasonable distance of Dublin 14/16 area. Not the one in supermarkets that say "free range organic" etc, I find that they are always too old and taste of nothing. They may well be within their sell by dates but they are still so old that the white has gone very watery and hence break up when poaching etc.

I have source 100 miles away that has chickens roaming free in their garden and their eggs are fantastic, but just a little hard to justify driving that far for eggs! They taste like eggs should unlike every mass produced egg in supermarkets.

I'm quite happy to pay for quality - and a happier chicken!
Frarmers market in Leopardstown race course every Friday, I think. Maybe there?
Theres also a market in Marley Park every saturday that you might try.

Another place I thought of - if you drive up to Bohernabreena resevoir, past the entrance and continue along that road, theres a hand painted sign up saying there are free range eggs for sale - dunno what they are like - but it might be worth looking into.
You could try Mark Michel Organic Life in Kilpedder, off the N11, just a short trip from the M50. 2011882 is their telephone no. I know they sell vegetables and do a really really nice lunch for about €15 (you're sitting in a glasshouse with a concrete floor!) but not sure about eggs.
Did I hear right today on Dererk Mooney's show that tomorrow (Friday) is National Egg Day?
There's a farmers market in Tallaght every friday from 10 to 4 beside the abberly hotel. Orgainc stalls with fruit and veg and a few other interesting stalls too.