proof of money provenance for a mortgage


Registered User
Hi guys,

I hope i'm posting this in the wrong place. Basically i have a little problem.
I got a approval in principle. In order to go ahead to the next step,i have to prove the bank where a lodgment of 3.6k is coming from. On my statement is down as "car sale" ( which is actually where the money is coming from). But i sold it on one of the car cales websites, got the log book sent to Shannon and got payed in cash. Not sure how i can prove this to the bank the only evidence i have is some text messages from the buyer

Thanks in advance!
Have you a saved or printed copy of the website page which would have your phone number listed?
How did you get on with this? Im in a similar position. We explained it to the branch staff but im not sure how much of a fuss the office that signs these things off will make

Did they just want a reason for the money?
well they know the reason,as it is down on my statement as "car sale". they just want the proof.
Well...i rang Shannon (departament of transport) and they sent me a letter to say that the car has been transferrend on to someone else's name on the date of xx and i'm hoping that should help. I'll keep u posted when i'll know if it worked or not...