Proof of income



Wondering if anyone has any ideas. Currently self employed and partner wants to apply for carer's allowance for our disabled son. However dept social want proof of my weekly income. I dont have a payroll system or anything like that , just a really small business , no accounts done to date. Does anyone know what would be acceptable information to provide to dept ??
Whatever about proper accounts do you at least have some sort of book-keeping going on?
Hi Clubman

I have a folder holding all invoices , receipts and anything else to do with the business. I am in process of looking for book-keeper to take all these from me and put together some figures , but not sure how Im gonna prove I take home a certain amount from the business. Im a total novice....
I'd imagine that without at least some sort of book keeping you are going to find it difficult to provide SW with the info that they are looking for.
SW will have to assess your income for means purposes. Handing them a folder of invoices will not impress! I would suggest you get some sort of handle of incomings/outgoings before the assessment. As a matter of interest, it would be prudent for you to do some simple bookkeeping yourself if only to see whether you're making money or not.