proof of earnings for credit card app


Registered User

does anyone know if credit card companies ask for proof of earnings? I am with cc co. for over 10 yrs and have a debt of E7000 approx. I am on a career break from work and my husband is only earner.

I wanted to apply for O% credit card for balance transfer but unsure if they require proof of my earnings as I wont be going back to work for a while.

Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
I recently set up a credit card with tesco and wasn't asked for proof of earnings. They ran a credit check though which I saw when checking my ICB report.

UB did ask me for proof of earnings (despite my current account being with them for over 10 years). I didn't bother proceeding with that one.

MBNA didn't either.

I think one of the questions was about being in full-time employment though.
Thanks generalzod

Yes sometimes your own bank is worst of all! I will ring a few and see what happens, starting with the ones you mentioned.
Well I'm currently having a problem with Halifax, who I applied to for a credit card some time back now (late January).

I sent them in 3 months bank statements (from the begining of January) and now they are coming back asking from more. Since I changed jobs back around November perhaps that is what its about as they were looking for pay-slips which I don't get from the new company.

Oddly enough I just got a call from them to say that the problem they claim is apparently I didn't send 3 months bank statements. I was pretty sure I did but thats what they claim.
Thanks Machalla

They are a bit of a nightmare. When you are down no one wants to know but i will keep trying. At least I have a job to go back to soon.
The problem as I see it is that you're looking for a lot of instant credit. transferring a balance of €7k is fairly large.
No financial institution will take that on without being sure that you can repay it, hence they will look for proof of income, statements etc.
They will take a spousal income into account so if your OH is an a good salary it may be possible.