Program Not Responding problem


Registered User
Does anyone know why I keep getting
Program Not Responding message
This happens when I click on a link - for example link posted in AAM just now but on other sites too. The program (or page) freezes/becomes unresponsive. Then I have to go Ctrl+Alt +Del and Task Manager comes up. Then I get the Microsoft message:
You choose to end unresponsive program Internet Explorer

It's been happening for a while now and I ignored it but now it's so frequent it's becoming a nuisance. I would appreciate any advice about how to solve this. Haven't changed anything and virus and adware scans are negative.
sherib, there could be any number of causes, not necessarily virus-related. Is IE (Internet Explorer) the only culprit? Have you tried scanning the hard disk for errors? (right-click on the C:\ drive in Windows explorer, choose the 'Tools' tab and click the 'Check now...' button. It'll ask you to reboot the computer, and the DOS window will take 15-30 mins, depending on your machine)
Usual questions - what version of Windows? Did anything change in terms of configuration, hardware/software additions/removal etc between when things were OK and when the problem arose? If you're using XP have you tried rolling back to a previous known good System Restore point? Have you tried doing a repair install of Windows and/or the IE components? Even as a temporary measure you could try using another browser such as FireFox.
Thanks to Dr. M and ClubMan for last night's rapid response and advice. I had no sooner read the replies when every programme stopped responding - even Task Manager. Everything was "hanging". Even though modem was showing connected, I couldn't view any site - as if I.E. and modem weren't 'seeing' each other. Sorry, I don't speak that language! It was no different with FoxFire.

I deleted cookies and temporary internet files but no benefit. Did a System Restore (to three days ago) but still the same. I use XP Pro and couldn't do as Dr. M advised - no option for disk clean up via Windows Explorer and Tools. I can only access disk clean up via Programs and Accessories. Disk clean up there only seems to compact files which I did too. No DOS window or request to reboot. Getting desperate by then since I was expecting an email about a holiday booking today. Even looked at page filing but don't understand that. After hours of fiddling, a second System Restore to 10 days ago did the trick but then the Blaster modem wouldn't connect. It never rains but it pours! A diagnostic test showed an error in
PPPoPvc 0 PPPOE connection
Don't know what I did but eventually it started working again.

Is it possible that the problem arose because I have been researching holiday sites and downloaded a lot of internet pages? That's the only recent change apart from uninstalling and reinstalling Microsoft Word SR-1 from the original disk. Everything is zipping along now but I wish I knew what caused this so it won't happen again. Really appreciate the advice and :) now since I've off to Dubrovnik next week.

For the first time in a long while I was having intermittent problems with UTV ClickSilver last night (router disconnecting - seemingly initiated by their end, connectivity into UTV's system and no further etc.) for a while c. 9-11PM so maybe you were being hit by these too and that at least explains the PPPoE problem? If the System Restore to 10 days ago rectified the other problems then it suggests that something changed in that timeframe to cause the problems in the first place.
Thank you Dr. M :D. That's a language I wouldn't even try to get my tongue around. I'll depend on sign language - am quite good at that. Only got a confirmation of an hotel this morning. Lo and behold, got a phone call from the Fraud people in Visa who had stopped the debit from Dubrovnik thinking it was fraudulent! Now, aren't they on the ball? It's taken a week of trawling web sites as well as phone calls to find a place to lay my head. Very pricey too but sure isn't that what the SSIA is for - pure indulgence! I'll report on any ripoffs I find and already know that one of the hotels charges outlandish prices for drinks so I'll be slumming. Great souce of info is the Internet. This should probably be posted in two or three other forums - mea culpa.

Unlike you ClubMan, my UTV connection went around midnight and didn't return till almost 03.00. But that might explain it. I like your logic - trouble is I'm logical enough to know that if I don't know what I did (to cause the problem) then I can't undo it! Maybe a spare laptop and a wireless connection would be the answer.
sherib said:
Unlike you ClubMan, my UTV connection went around midnight and didn't return till almost 03.00. But that might explain it. I like your logic - trouble is I'm logical enough to know that if I don't know what I did (to cause the problem) then I can't undo it! Maybe a spare laptop and a wireless connection would be the answer.
But I thought that you had undone it by rolling back to a System Restore point? Or are you talking about the router problem which is a separate (?) problem introduced in your previous post?!
sherib said:
That's a language I wouldn't even try to get my tongue around...
As a French/Spanish/Italian speaker, I'd be pretty wary as to the sound of the second word, too! :D

By the way, I think we were at slightly crossed purposes above - I didn't mean for you to run 'Disk cleanup', but to check the disk for errors. Before XP Pro (which I run too), this was done by a thing called scandsk.exe, IIRC, but I can't find such a beastie anywhere on my hard drive. Open up Windows explorer, right-click on the C:\ drive (in the left-hand pane) and you should see a number of tabs across the top of the dialog box - General, Tools, Hardware, Sharing, Security & Quota. Click on the 'Tools' tab and you should then have a choice between Error-checking, Defragmentation and Backup (all good stuff). It definitely tells me that it can't scan Drive C because 'other processes are writing to it', but offers to schedule a scan at next reboot - i.e. before Windows itself starts up. Oh, and tick the two optional check-boxes.

I'm not saying this will necessarily solve a problematic PPPoPvc 0 PPPOE connection - whatever the hell that is! - but it shouldn't harm anything...

Enjoy the slumming, and don't put down any deposits on off-plan property developments! ;)
DrMoriarty said:
I'm not saying this will necessarily solve a problematic PPPoPvc 0 PPPOE connection - whatever the hell that is! - but it shouldn't harm anything...
Presumably this error occurred on the router and was visible in its browser based configuration/control panel or in some router logfile - i.e. not on the PC itself? Or if the router is connected to the PC via USB maybe it did occur on the PC?
Like you Clubman, I too got nowhere last night between 9pm-12 pm. Nothing would respond on my UTV broadband.

Rang them this am from the office and they said nothing was amiss last night (they would)

Must get onto them them tonite and find out what is going on - this seems to be getting regular with me - too many disconnections.
Bingo - error check is scheduled. My menu is different. Found it by clicking on Sharing and Security.. That got me to Local Disk (C) Properties. Can also get there by going to Properties directly I've since discovered. Thanks.

..don't put down any deposits on off-plan property development
No chance of that. One house is enough to manage and there are more interesting ways to spend time and money!

Just to clarify - the PC problem arose first and was solved by a second System Restore. It was only then that the modem connection went and stayed that way for a couple of hours resolving itself spontaneously. Reading that ClubMan's Utv connection also went around the same time seems to be the explanation for that.

System Restore was the fix for the PC but I still do not know what was wrong or what I did to cause all programs to 'hang'. If I did, I might have been able to correct it by retracing my steps logically. That's all I meant!

The two of you are among the many treasures of AAM ;)
I too experienced UTV Broadband problems last night before midnight.

On talking to Technical Support this evening they denied problems, but on mentioning above problems they 'checked' and found that there was a 'downtime' last night around that time but it was only flagged at 12.30pm today!!!
Ne razumijem - I'd love to know the meaning of Dubrodosli? The sound is really nice - could it be Dubrovnik? Probably shouldn't ask this Q here!