Professor John Crown: " Chernobyl did not cause increase in birth defects"

Brendan Burgess

Excellent article by Crowner on why we need nuclear energy. In particular, it was interesting to read his data on the impact of Chernobyl.

Regardless of who wrote the report, I find it hard to believe that such a huge release of radiation didn't have some effect on birth defects. It's interesting to note that Mr. Crown, the author of the article, is in favour of Ireland using nuclear power. One could argue that "he would say that, wouldn't he?"

Having said that, I think Ireland's future use of nuclear power is a debate we need to have. I think it would be quite immoral of us to be anti nuclear-generated power but willing to import nuclear-generated power on an inter-connector from, e.g., Britain.

Personally, I am very open to the notion of Ireland having its own nuclear power plant. If we're not willing to harness wind and wave power on a fairly large scale, we may not have any other option in future years.
Regardless of who wrote the report, I find it hard to believe
Dead right Lex.

Ignore the science and the statistics and the views of the Professor of Oncology in UCD - go with the gut feel you get from seeing pictures of poor deformed kids in the paper.

UN Scientific Committe on the Effects of Radiation

BBC's Horizon covered this a good few years ago (maybe even as many as 5), it didn't go down well IIRC.

But as a large scale study of the effects of radiation it has been pretty conclusive that it might just not be as bad as we predicted. However, it just isn't "done" to come out and say or show that.

In the Horizon doc, it showed how nature took over the abandoned zone very quickly. Ever since they have studied the wildlife population and even though the radiation levels in the animal population is sky high, there are no observable effects either on birth rate or death rate.

By accident we've conducted one of the biggest scientific studies into the effects of radiation and found out that life is a tough old sod.
There was an increase in thyroid cancer in children - are we just going to ignore this part. Straight after your highlighted paragraph....
There was an increase in thyroid cancer in children - are we just going to ignore this part. Straight after your highlighted paragraph....

And are you going to ignore the rest of it? This is a rare disease, and one which is near-uniformly curable. In the aftermath of Chernobyl it remained rare and remained near-uniformly curable. It is estimated that one new case per million children per year occurred worldwide. In the most heavily irradiated areas, the incidence reached 100 per million.

Worrying but hardly fits in with the terror stories that often float around.

There are just as serious health effects for the people who responded to the 9/11 emergency in NY as there was for any nuclear accident.
It's interesting to note that Mr. Crown, the author of the article, is in favour of Ireland using nuclear power. One could argue that "he would say that, wouldn't he?"

Sorry, I'm missing your logic here. Dr. Crown is a doctor not Monty Burns.

It is still worth flagging up though. The increase is directly attributed to radiation and curing it is a matter of having enough or ready access to iodine (that isn't out of date).

It doesn't fit into the birth defects and cancer scare stories, but it was an immediate risk and it remains a risk as long as the radiation remains. Most of the deaths linked to Chernobyl were the workers either killed in the explosion or from acute exposure to massive doses, however, all the other fatalities were children and as a result of thyroid cancer.

What rarely gets a mention is that because of the fear of bith defects and cancer rates, the Soviet Government had a programme of forced abortion on a massive scale. Some mothers did escape and had their children, who are all fine and healthy.

It is still worth flagging up though. The increase is directly attributed to radiation and curing it is a matter of having enough or ready access to iodine (that isn't out of date).

Are you confusing curing with preventing?

I understand that by taking iodine as soon as there is a radiation leak, you are stuffing your thyroid with iodine. There is no room left for the radioactive iodine, so you don't get thyroid cancer.

What Crowner is saying is that if a child gets cancer (because they did not take iodine) it is near uniformly curable anyway.


Yup I am, apologies. The use of iodine is to prevent the build up of radioactive isotopes in the thyroid.
Excellent article by Crowner on why we need nuclear energy. In particular, it was interesting to read his data on the impact of Chernobyl.
Better late than never, we should build 3 nuclear power stations now. Can you post a link to his article?
None of what this guy says is new. This has been well known and accepted in the scientific community for years. Unfortunately there are people in this world who like to exaggerate the effects of things like this for political, financial or ideological gain. Shame on them.
None of what this guy says is new. This has been well known and accepted in the scientific community for years. .


But he has a good platform in the SINDO and he is a Senator. So it's good to hear him raise these issues.

I would guess that if you stopped people on the street and showed them all the Chernobyl babies they would tell you that it was due to radiation.

This is what Adi Roche's website says today. They claim to have raised €90m over the last 25 years. With a big staff, I am sure that they have.

Professor William Reville wrote about the issue a number of years ago in The Irish Times (Dec 2005 I think). He said pretty much the same thing as Crown - minimal damage to human health was caused by radiation. But there was a huge upsurge in psychological problems (post traumatic stress, substance abuse, etc.. No doubt some of this was caused by forced relocation and fear of the unknown. There probably was a small increase in Thyroid cancer but the majority of the cases were treated. If you have a subscription to the Irish Times you should be able to access the article.
Just to note.

Taking iodine tablets will prevent the uptake of iodine in the body. It won't prevent the uptake of all the other radioactive compounds that could be released in an explosion.
I wonder how much we, as a nation, gave to these Chernobyl children's charities?

It was no bad thing as these children, many with both physical and mental development problems were in a very sad state due to state neglect, even though it was mis-represented by many as being due to "radiation".

Some good was done for them though I despaired at seeing it all being blamed on "radiation"