Professionals Behaving Professionally (or even Kindly)


Registered User
The "Working in a Call Centre" thread jagged my memory to the way in which many people deal with Call Centre Jockeys (and I was one such jockey). The vast majority of "A" Listers were professional in their dealings. I'm including high flying executives, "Celebrities," top business people here.

There was one of Ireland's top business people and with huge interests in companies worldwide in whom I came across. Remember, this guy didn't know me from Adam and he had the world at his feet. His credit card was used by him earlier when he paid some bills. When I received his call he was sitting in a London restaurant where his credit card would not allow him pay the dining out bill.

He had advised us that he would have been travelling extensively in the Middle East and Europe over the following month and had asked that the credit card company bear with him allowing additional credit where necessary. In a nutshell, we fell down on the job and the additional credit facility was not "input." The customer had been put in an extremely embarrassing situation as a result and immediately his credit was extended and we had a happy ending.

Where is all this going? The above is just a synopsis of what actually happened. The whole story made us Call Centre Jockeys look particularly professionally dreadful. The customer was friendly throughout our conversation. He didn't "lose the rag" at any stage and kept the conversation relevant and rational.

I could say the same for the majority of "A" Lister people in Ireland. Remember, it didn't take genius to know with whom you were talking. Their details are on a screen in front of you.

But (there's always a but), let's travel down the list where you are dealing with some "Z" Lister. The majority of these shout, resort to tantrums, scream, swear, threaten and resort to any other offensive behaviour known to man. I wonder how many of these unimpressive "Z" Listers know how many people are looking or listening to them at any one time. I would think they need an unfavourable reputation like I need AIDS, but they seem to continue as they have. Is it their upbringing or newly found wealth or new fame is the driver here? Or are they just plain ignorant?
I've never worked in a call center but in my general experience very rich people are less likely to be snobbish, ignorant or generally talk down to people providing services. The worst offenders are those who are from the same background as the people they are treating badly. That, of course, is a generalisation.
I don't treat people based on their Sunday Times Rich List placement or their Hello Magazine / Daily Star celebrity rating, nor do I know enough about any of the various scoring systems to appreciate the differences, but I do treat people as I find them in person.