Professional opinion prior to purchasing a house


Registered User
We have seen a property in scd that we a interested in but it needs a refurb and extension to suit our needs. How do we go about getting a professional view on options and cost.

Is this a service that an architect offers and does anyone have any recomendations?

It's very difficult to get a mortgage for a property that needs extensive work. You could try asking a builder for a quote.
Thanks, i have mortgage approval for house as you could live in it. We then have some money left but i would like to know what we could do with what we have. I will look at the link above now.
if you have mortgage approval then an architect/ technician with energy assessor qualifications would be the way to go - once you know what you want re extension and finishes etc this can be outline costed by a Quanity surveyor (the chosen arch/Arch tech will advise).

at the moment when borrowing for refurbishments/ extensions etc the banks want a lot of detail

I tried calling the link above but they thought an architect is what I needed, so I have arranged to meet one to look at the house next week. I hope he reckons it not too bad as I love the location.

I tried calling the link above but they thought an architect is what I needed, so I have arranged to meet one to look at the house next week. I hope he reckons it not too bad as I love the location.

Nothing suprises me anymore when it comes to the SCSI........

Surely they should be able to direct a perspective client to one of the own given the OP clearly needs a surveyor. They really do know how to market the profession they represent.......