Processing of Sensitive data in an employment contract


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The following appears is a new employment contract: Is it reasonable? Thanks as always

The Company will process and may disclose sensitive data and you consent to the processing and disclosure of such data as follows:

a. information about your physical or mental health or condition for the purpose of the

performance of your employment and this agreement, monitoring sickness absence, dealing with sick pay and determining your fitness to carry out duties;

b. information about your sex, marital status, race, ethnic origin or disability for the purpose of monitoring to ensure equality of opportunity and compliance with equal opportunities legislation;

c. information relating to any criminal proceedings in which you have been involved for insurance purposes and in order to comply with legal requirements and obligations to third parties.
1.3 What is meant by sensitive personal data?
Sensitive personal data is defined in the Data Protection Acts as any personal data as to -
(a) the racial or ethnic origin, the political opinions or the religious or philosophical beliefs of the data subject, (b) whether the data subject is a member of a trade union
(c) the physical or mental health or condition or sexual life of the data subject,
(d) the commission or alleged commission of any offence by the data subject, or
(e) any proceedings for an offence committed or alleged to have been committed by the data subject, the disposal of such proceedings or the sentence of any court in such proceedings.

The Data Protection Acts require additional conditions to be met for the processing of such data to be legitimate. Usually this will be the explicit consent of the person about whom the data relates.