Problems with Viber


Registered User
Anyone else experiencing problems with Viber?

Im finding that

  • Sometimes Im not getting indicator appearing on my smartphone to say that I have unread messages and can only find out I have an unread message if I go into VIBER to send a message. Sometimes the message could have been received during the day but I don't get any notification and only see the message by chance several hours later
  • There is a delay in messages I send arriving at recipients and visa versa. Sometimes text message sent/sent to me does not arrive for several hours
Anyone else finding this or are the some options in settings that I need to set to overcome this
1) Are you running the most up-to-date version of the app? If not, try installing the latest update and see if that helps.

2) Are you connecting via wifi or your provider's GSM network? (and if the latter, which provider?). The delay you mention sounds like a network problem.
Thanks for the replies
I believe I have most up to date version of VIBER installed. My phone isn't indicating I dont have any updates to install
Version I have is viber v2.2.1 build 663
Im with O2
During the day my phone would be working of my O2 network
At home it would be picking up the Wi-Fi at Home which is with UPC

During the day my phone would be working of my O2 network
At home it would be picking up the Wi-Fi at Home which is with UPC

Setting/configuration to only allow viber services to use wifi connections?
Thanks for reply
I don't seem to have an option called configuration under viber settings. There is an options section but it doesn't have anything in there about allowing viber services to only use wifi connections

Am I doing something wrong or not understanding what you are saying ?