Problems with New Windows

I requested that all my windows were to be the same as my brothers except that my were to be in black upvc instead of golden all openings, all openings required for fire, all trickle vents, all handles, same georgian look, top half openings were to be the same.

Like I said before the words "Trickle vent sash" is clearly labelled on some of the frames which would indicate to me that the next worker on the line forgot to put them in.

Both houses are the exact same with same window sizes.

Has anyone any idea whether these can be retro fitted?
Petrolhead, glad to see you haven't been stung before so. But I do agree that not ALL companies are out to rip you off and some are respectable but speaking for myself in some instances and a few other friends building you have to have eyes on the back of your head doing a self build because money talks and bullsh*t walks. If anything goes wrong, all you hear is, 'well, we can't be held liable because ... and then what do you do, you have paid them the money and next option, lawyers. No thanks. I think I would have a nervous breakdown if I had to deal with that along with a self build. And if I hear one more supplier, tradesman demand money up front because they have being stung before, which happens, I know, I will go mad. We all have!!!! I am sure that quite a lot of people have been stung somewhere along the lines, as our aim is to get the best price, their aim is to make as much money as they can which equals our ongoing struggle. So all in all, I would say that paranoid we ain't.
Cheers for that Abbica, I feel alto better now.

What is the best course of action at this stage regarding my issues

Bite the bullet and just live with vents installed on the walls and get everthing else rectified or???

I have issued a letter today outlining the problems and will discuss it onsite in a weeks time.

Any further comments.