Problems with new Broad Band Connection


Registered User
Mr Geri bought a laptop for his Dad a few weeks ago. He's retiring and interested in learning more about computers.
He signed up with Smart Telecom BB, as his daughter lives in Italy and the calls are alot cheaper than Eircom.
So, since getting the lap-top and the broad band connection the connection speed is VERRRRRY slow. It takes up to 5 mins to open a page, and most times freezes mid way opening a page. Mr Geri has been on to Smart on numerous occasions, who claim every thing is ok at their end. He's also been back to PC world and thay claim there's nothing wrong with the lap top. So, no-one really wants to know, and we know feck all about this type of thing. Is there a "computer repair man" al la "washing machine repair man" type person who could come out and try to get to the bottom of the problem. Its all getting to be a bit much, and Mr Geri in law is fast loosing interest!
If you want help here then you'd need to post more specific details. Alternatively the local free ad newspapers often carry ads for individuals who do home visits to deal with PC issues. However you'd really want to get somebody who is reliable and knowledgeable. Alternatively there are bigger operations like (I have no involvement with them) which you could try.
Thanks Clubman,
To be honest, I don't know enough about the problem to post more specific details or get into a discussion about it. It would be a bit like when you're in a foregin country and ask directions using the "how do I get to......." phrase in the phrase book, and then when the person replies to you in in their language you haven't a clue what they are saying...........!
Will advise mr geri to seek professional help!
Merry Christmas to you and yours,

Can you get someone to try their laptop on your connection or you try your laptop on their connection? This might identify where the problem is - getting someone to fix it might be whole new ball game.

Happy Christmas
Perhaps it could be a problem with the browser & not the connection? Have you tried installing mozilla firefox?