Last few days seem to be able to receive emails but not send them. Just sent off 3 messages. Only one went (business address)
Also tried a test from my phone and noticed it did not arrive.
Any ideas? Thanks.
Eir e-mail is useless - mail is not delivered to a lot of addresses such as hotmail and when I queried this the person I spoke to had no idea why. Recently I did not even receive an email from eircom saying my bill was ready but it did come in on my gmail account which is linked to my eircom email.
my father in law spent a lot of time and energy trying to get these eircom email issues resolved but was told on a few occasions they will do nothing about it, non-revenue generator.
Unfortunately it’s a perfect storm of private equity and older people.
Eir’s private equity shareholders couldn’t care less about the customer experience or the longer term; revenue and costs over a four/five year cycle are their sole focus.
And Eir email users tend to be older, so they’re less able to move to the likes of Gmail seamlessly.
€72 per annum, from next month. I doubt there are many email accounts anymore. Probably an effort to get rid of them? I had one for a while about 20 years ago. Used it specifically for looking for work...
Just be aware that if you get into July, all bets are off with your eircom address and unless you pay the monthly subscription you could be locked out.
I had lots of notification emails coming to me that I had to reroute... property tax notification, car tax x 2, ebay, amazon, fora registrations etc. ... you name it, I had it.
I still get the odd email via the eircom address (I'm still monitoring it just in case something slipped by).
Any email that you want to save .... do that saving now before it's too late.