Hi There
I will be very pleased if someone could give me some advice on something here.
I bought an apartment over a year ago and have had endless problems with damp and mould. The developer has had been in and out on numerous occasions and the problem has still not been resolved. Its got so bad I have had to take action via arbitration and even that is dragging out.
So the bottom line is I have an apartment that I paid €300 000 for, its damp, full of mould, a health risk to my whole family, the developer isn't interested in fixing it, and I cant get the management company(who is also the developer) to produce a Block insurance policy to see if the faults would be covered in that, I have a had a building survey done and its failed on loads of things and some materails that have been used are below the building standards, which is one of the possible reasons for the mould etc.
Anyway my big question is. At the end of the day should the bank not have an interest in what is going on here, given the fact that they actually own the property?
What will be the implications if I just got fed up with the whole lot and decided I was going to hand the keys back to the bank on grounds that this is not what I agreed to purchase, or if I just decided that I could no longer afford to pay for the property. Would this affect my credit rating or ability to purchase another property after doing this.
Please any advice would be a great help, as my head is wrecked with this over the past 18months
Marc :mad:
I will be very pleased if someone could give me some advice on something here.
I bought an apartment over a year ago and have had endless problems with damp and mould. The developer has had been in and out on numerous occasions and the problem has still not been resolved. Its got so bad I have had to take action via arbitration and even that is dragging out.
So the bottom line is I have an apartment that I paid €300 000 for, its damp, full of mould, a health risk to my whole family, the developer isn't interested in fixing it, and I cant get the management company(who is also the developer) to produce a Block insurance policy to see if the faults would be covered in that, I have a had a building survey done and its failed on loads of things and some materails that have been used are below the building standards, which is one of the possible reasons for the mould etc.
Anyway my big question is. At the end of the day should the bank not have an interest in what is going on here, given the fact that they actually own the property?
What will be the implications if I just got fed up with the whole lot and decided I was going to hand the keys back to the bank on grounds that this is not what I agreed to purchase, or if I just decided that I could no longer afford to pay for the property. Would this affect my credit rating or ability to purchase another property after doing this.
Please any advice would be a great help, as my head is wrecked with this over the past 18months
Marc :mad:
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