Problems with Affordable home

Re: Problems will Afforable home

Hi guys,

Thanks for all your replies. The developers did come out months ago and use Caulk to fill the gaps between the wall and the skirting but the problems keeps coming back with it. How do we check for Pyrite? The developers came out on Friday to fix the leaking shower they said it was caused by a crack between two tiles in the shower cubicle. However, last night the ceiling in the kitchen began bubbling and looking damp. They completely ignored the other problems with the house. Between all that and the antisocial behavior( bottles being smashed at our hall door and our sky wires being ripped off the wall as well the ESB and Gas meter box doors and our Cable tv lines cut and ripped out of the wall) and also the vacant homes beside us being smashed to pieces and the council & Guards not giving a flying.... we've had enough and just want out but haven't a clue what to do as we can't afford to move. I am not being a snob when i say this as i grew up in a very bad council estate in south Dublin but the rest of our estate isn't like this it's very clean and peaceful it's just our road that was all allocated affordable.
Re: Problems will Afforable home

Hi Guys,

Just to give ye an update. The CEO of the developers came up to our house last night to check it out. He said he'll fix the ceiling bubbles and the skirting , when i asked him about why the overflow pipe keeps leaking he said it was because we had lime in our water that was eating away at the rubber on the ballcock!! I asked a builder and plumber friend and they said it was complete BS. Can anyone confirm this? Is the developer giving us the run around? Also, It's very weird because the developer is very adamant that we DON'T go to the council about anything , they keep asking us if we have and when we say they say good don't. Seems a tad sus to us!
Re: Problems will Afforable home

Hi RobbieP,
I'm really sorry to hear of all the stress you're going through. I would really appriciate (sp?) if you could tell me the name of the development (pm if you like) as My dh and I are just applying for affordable in Portarlington. Many Thanks, Grace

P.s. it does say on our application form : ''The Applicants are advised to obtain professional advise as to the structural stability and suitability of any dwelling offered under the affordable housing scheme, Loais co co does not accept any statutory or common law duty of care to an applicant to ensure that the dwelling is properly constructed or free of defects''

I take from this that they won't want to know? Best of luck with everything, is it possible the houses are built on marsh land?
Re: Problems will Afforable home

Hi Robbie, it would have to be the builder to check for pyrite. They dig a small hole in one of the floor areas... fairly deep, but not wide... and take a sample of the foundation. Depending on what foundations were used etc. The only reason i said it in the first place was because it sounded very simular to issues some of our estate had, nothing was ever said about it until a resident requested their house to be tested, in showing it was contaminated it then spread by word of mouth i think, then whoever wanted to get tested needed to request by builder. I know it did take a while to get builders out, tests done and results given. But personally If i had had this problems fixed like you had and it was returning (cracks, skirting moving, and tiles breaking) i'd be onto the builder telling them you want someone out to test your foundations for pyrite.
With builders fobbing you off, i'd well believe you, it has happened to us regarding a number of things, but well lets just say..... as residence we wrote a very strong letter to the director of the company and i had him personally ring me to sort out the issues. No matter what they say,they cannot wash their hands of any issues you have that they are responsible for.
Regarding the Pyrite, it didnt affect our block of apt's as it was by a different builder to rest of the estate, however I still requested a letter (which i've kept) stating this info from them for future sale.

I am really shocked that you have that anti social behavour going on in your street, its quiet scary that something like this can happen. I know this happens in all estates at some stage, we had some anti social behavour in our esate, however the estate came back with a vengance and created a residence association, plus numerious committees, they tackled the tugs head on with residence getting out in groups of 10 and walking the streets for about 2 months every night to keep eye on things, they also met with local TD's, Gardai, and mgt company. WIth alot of push security cameras were arrected, Steel fencing put up where necessary and security patrole was put into the estate. We have the odd bit of graffiti now and the odd (attempted robbery), but compared to at the start, .... Bus windows being smashed, cars vandalised nearly every night, spray painting on places, houses/cars/apt's vandalised, car parks being broke into... and shops being robbed... its completely turned around. I suppose reason i'm saying all this to you is, pls dont give up hope... If you love the place and the apt (bar its faults) then work on trying to resolve these faults. Its a huge thing to have to move again, and you never ever know if you'll have the same problems again.
The district court can deal with anyone who is causing anti social behavour, but you must keep log, report to gardai and also report to the City Council also.
I do hope things work out for you.... and that one day you'll be happy where you live,, but my advise is not to sell at a loss, if you can put up with it and try and resolve it i'd thnk it would be best option.
Re: Problems will Afforable home

Great mail Helen.

i live in house effected by pyrite at the moment, i discovered this about 2.5 years ago. it took one year to get the builder to acknowleedge there could be a problem. the next year or so was trying to get him to fix it.
i have rec one offer to fix which my solictor turned down as acceptance took all my rights away and left it in the hands of the builder. i am now waiting on the courts, which will probably be a nother year,,, so there is no quick solution here.
the problems you mentioned mirror my own so i would advise you ask the question of the builder of where he sourced his infill for the foundations of your home. the quarry i know is affected in feltrum lane, D15 (i think)

Also on the point of homebound, i was under the impression they where there to help the homeowner, my experience of them is very different. they will want to sort your issue as cheaply as possible and side with builders on all matters.

Good luck but take into account it is not going to be fixed overnight.
Re: Problems will Afforable home

Hi Guys,

I too have had trouble with my affordable home...

I came home from a weekend away to find stains on my sitting room ceiling. I only barely touched the ceiling to see if it was wet and the plaster came down on top of me.

Rang Fingal Co Co and they didn't want to know, said it was between myself and the builder. Got onto the builder and he didn't want to know either. So I find myself having to claim off my Insurance. Spoke to my neighbours on either side of me and they too had leaks (not as bad as mine though).

The guy I got in to have a look at it said the builders did a terrible job on the pipe fittings but double plastered the ceiling so it would take a while for the bad workmanship to show up.

To be honest I'm gutted about the whole thing and find myself wanting to sell the house. Basically I'm paying a mortage on a house that I cant even live in!
Re: Problems will Afforable home

check if your builder is a member of Construction Industry Federation using this link

If so you can write to Jeanette mair, construction house, canal rd. Dublin 6 with your problem and she will deal with the builders for you.
I had a problem with uneven floors. The council told me ask the builder and the builder wouldn't do anything until the CIF got involved.
Re: Problems will Afforable home

Hi Lisa,

Thanks so much for that! I'm gonna get onto them first thing : )
Re: Problems will Afforable home

chan1, your a better person than me i reckon, because i'd be causing such a fuss at this stage. How long are you living in the apt? I cannot believe you feel you have to go through your insurance to have this problem resolved and that the builder made you feel this way. Builders are well known for passing the buck, and basically making you feel your in the wrong about asking them to fix it, foremen are the most forceful people in this manner that i've ever met. I remember when we had the problems, i could not believe how hard it was to even talk to the foreman, they'll not even point them out on a building site if you go down (believe me,i've walked onto site surrounded by builders) to get issues resolved. I'd be explaining kindly and very politely to the builder, that while he feels its not his issue you will show proof of their workmanship and also that your solicitor is the one who will next be in contact. I would also scare him and tell him, that if he does not resolve this issue, you will do up 100 letters posting them into every apt in the block asking them all to check out their plumbing as there seems to be an issue with the builders workmanship, and ask him then if he wishes to resovlve this in this manner or if he will work on the errors he made in your place. I'm sure he'd prefer to work on 1 apt, that have 100's of apt's ringing wondering what is going on.
Re: Problems will Afforable home

Hi guys,

Thank you for all your help and posts. We were just wondering , do you think after everything we're put up with with the property that our solicitor or anyone would be able to exempt us from paying the clawback if we sold the house?

Re: Problems will Affordable home - HOMEBOND

There was clarification regarding HomeBond in Business Supplement of Irish Times Friday 23rd Jan: Dominic Doyle's response to a reader's letter:

Houses/apt.'s completed before 31/10/08 -

Any complaints have to be first addressed to builder. If no satisfaction,
then Homebond should be contacted. Note: Homebond are notoriously difficult to contact.

Underwriter is Allianz Insurance through an insurance broker and Homebond is regulated by Financial Regulator.

Complaint Proccedure: next step in each case if previous fails

1) Inform Builder.
2) Homebond - in writing.
3) Homebond - formal complaint.
4) Financial Services Ombudsman

Homes/Apartments completed after 31/Oct/2008, approach HomeBond first.
hiya robbie,
we are also buying from laois c.c.
getting worried reading your post. do you mind if i ask where you bought ?
pm me if you like...

We don't seem to be getting any help from anyone on the antisocial behaviour side of things in our estate, does anyone know any councillors or TDs in portlaoise that we could contact for help??
