Problems using Skype


Registered User
I am a new subscriber to Skype communications. It seems that people can hear me OK but I am having dificulty with the quality of the sound. People who are talking to me sound quite croaky almost like listening to a computer or a robot. It has been suggested to me that it might be the quality of my broadband connection.

Can anybody throw any light on this problem.

I am relatively new to Skype as well. It seems to me that your problem may be two-fold. A good broadband connection always helps with clarity - though the most basic of broadband packages should offer this.

Also check the volume settings on your laptop/computer. I am totally open to correction on this but would investing in a headset/microphone (very cheap if you are using a PC) help?

I have only been using Skype for the past week so I am no expert. It seems to work great and no problems so far.

Happy Skyping!!
Thanks for your reply.
I'll try the volumn and yes I was also thinking of buying a handset. It might improve things.
I have been told though that it might have something got to do with my broadband account. You know where you are sharing the broadband with large group of others. Getting an upgraded service from my provider might improve things.
Its most likely your connection speed. If you can play a CD in the PC and the sound is fine ie the speakers are fine, then its your connection. Sometimes when Im on to my sister in Oz doing a video chat it goes like that when I start to download something while Im on to her. As soon as I end the other download its fine again.