Problems loading in IE


Registered User
The page loads very strangely with large blank spaces and sections that are supposed to be in those spaces are loading below each other like in a vertical list. This only happens with the Irish version of the site. is fine.

I recently upgraded to IE7 but the same issue was evident in IE6. This has only happened since I changed to broadband. I have McAfee but have had it since before this problem occurred.

I've tried unblocking as many cdwow-related sites as I can from not trusted sites in Internet Explorer options.

I used to have problems with Aertel where clicking on the page numbers would not elicit any response. This issue went away mysteriously.

Any ideas?
Works fine for me in IE6 just now. Maybe clear your browser cache and see if that helps?
It was very slow last night in both IE and Firefox, but it was fully functional.
It has been fairly slow the past couple of days. I wonder could it be the extra numbers doing their xmas shopping on their website are putting a strain on their servers?
Sorry I should have been clearer.

It has been like this on my system since August. How do I clear the cache? (Still confused by IE7 and where everything is).
Right click on the area to the right of a tab and select Menu Bar to display the menu bar. The use Tools -> Internet Options -> Browsing history -> Delete...
You mean you couldn't get the menu bar and clear the cache or that clearing the cache did not solve your problem?