Problem with Windows 7 updates on desktop.

Mrs. Doyle

Registered User
Hi All,

For some time we have been having a problem with the Windows 7 updates not loading properly and constantly reverting. When we put on the machine it could take up to 15 minutes for it to go through the same routine of trying to start up but the updates prevent it from doing so. After it has tried to load them they then revert and this is what causes the time delay.

I have regularly gone to the Windows Fix-It option and tried different fix-its but to no avail.

I have looked on Google and in some forums they have had the same problem and have had to reinstall the full Windows package.

Any advice?
Try doing them in small batches and install the .net updates on their own first - this has resolved this issue on every PC I've come across with this problem.
+1 on installing updates step by step.

Failing that, did you try calling Microsoft? Usually they are very helpful especially if you call.
Have gone through all of these options but to no avail. Reinstall is the only option at this stage.

Is there any major problem with just turning off the Windows Updates?
Some of the updates install important security fixes and new functionality. You'll get away without updates for a while, but over time you might eventually not be able to run newer software.