Problem with tour operator & luggage


Registered User
My sister is currently on holiday in Spain. When she arrived at the resort and settled into her room she realised she's left a bag on the coach that brought them from the airport. The travel rep said that she has no other option but to go to the head office to collect it €70 round trip. The bag isn't even worth that much bit she obviously wants it back. It's a well known travel company and the same coaches have been arriving at her resort each day. However she's been told they can't return the bag to her, she has to go get it and she doesn't have €70.

Anyone any ideas of what she can do, is it just tough luck?
From what you say they sound unhelpful but maybe they may think that they don't know what the bag contains (whether it be valuables, drugs or explosives!) and they are not willing to take any risks with it. Who would she be paying the €70 to? A taxi?
Yep to a taxi. It's a nappy changing mat that rolls up into a bag. All that's in it are baby changing things!
Ring the head office customer care line - bit oiky of the local rep not to help out with something so simple.
If it's a well known operator - threaten to go on some of the talk radio shows and internet sites to slate them ... nothing like a bit of negative PR to help get things sorted.

Needless to say, if they don't play ball then do slate them !