Problem with three web texts


Registered User
As a former three customer I was still able to use the three website to send web texts. Recently however the no that the texts are sent from has changed from my number to other numbers-eg 0044 39 5525070 but this no changes with every txt sent. This means that when someone replies to a text it doesnt come to me. I am wondering is this just happening for non three customers if if it is a general three webtext issue?
I send webtexts on Vodafone and have no problem getting replies. Don't get me started on the Vodafone website itself though.... How are you managing to send (free?) webtexts on 3 if you are no longer a customer?
I have continued to use the website to send the free web texts with no issue although I moved from three about 18 months ago.
I use an iPhone app called EirText to send all my three webtexts and recently all texts sent are now being sent from a completely different +44 number every time. I'm a current three customer as well so I don't know what the issue is.
The problem is then when the receiver hits reply obviously the text wont be delivered to you which is a problem. So the issue is with three texts in general so I wonder if they will be resolving it?