Problem with storage heater


Registered User
I've looked through the other threads on storage heaters but haven't seen anything about the problem I'm having.

The wall above one of the storage heaters (we only have the one on) all the way to the ceiling and a bit of the ceiling too is got covered in a kind of black sut which would rub off using your finger. I then used a damp cloth and have destroyed the wall and will probably have to repaint that part of it.

Anyone ever come across a similar problem with a storage heater ?

Hi Paddy,

You should try cleaning the wall with a soft wet cloth and some CIF. Just rub it lightly and this may remove the marks.

Would it be just a case that the storage heater has a lot of dust inside it and this is blowing out with the heat and marking the wall? I think I read on another post about opening the heater and hoovering out the dust. You should, of course, disconnect the heater as much as possible before doing so.