Problem with Ryder Cup tickets.


Registered User
I purchased 2 Ryder Cup tickets & Car Parking for Thurs 21st. Sept. & 2 more plus car parking for Fri. 22nd. I believe that they will be delivered to me by DHL some time next week. These were purchased well over a year ago & were for myself & my wife. Because of ill health my wife will sadly not now be able to attend & for another reason (family wedding) I may not be able to attend on the Thursday. The Ryder Cup ticket office state quite categorically that I cannot give the tickets to any other person even as a gift as the I/D of the nominated ticketholder must match the tickets.
They are clearly saying that if the people nominated at time of purchase are now unable to attend then "TOUGH LUCK".
Has anybody else had a problem like this & can anything be done about it ?
A friend of mine had the same problem due to ill health and I believe they allowed him to transfer to a family member as a good will gesture. They were pretty definite that it had to be family friends allowed in case he was selling them obviously.
Got the email today saying tickets will be delivered next week, it doesn't mention photo ID so if someone you know is using the tickets would it be possible to lend them some form of plastic ID or membership card with your name only on it. I can't see them checking thirty thousand I.D's.
We are running a corporate event at the Ryder Cup and they have told us they will check Photo ID eg passport or d. licence.

These are a bunch of very arrogant self important people.
ClubMan said:
Against what?

You had to provide passport/driving licence(?) details when registering for tickets.

Most of the security restrictions are presumably at the insistance of the US.

I remember clearly the ordering process (which I didn't go through with because of the restrictions), so there's not much point in giving out about it after the fact.

It's a shame/tragedy that ill health is preventing someone from attending, and perhaps some allowance could be made, but that is obviously at the discretion of the organiser.

As to attending a wedding-that's at your own discretion of course.
You had to provide passport/driving licence(?) details when registering for tickets.

Most of the security restrictions are presumably at the insistance of the US.
Might also be to prevent touting if the tickets are linked to some form of ID?
Yes, no doubt it would-and tbh-I was only speculating as to why there were such restrictions-although I have a feeling that it was 'touted' as a security reason at the time.
I think it could be a "counter to touting" issue but as Bush Snr. & Clinton are rumoured to be coming it might be security or both.
Anyway I could not get a contact phone no. to call so have had to e mail & asked them if they will refund used tickets if they will not allow a transfer. If I get a response I will post it here.
I've just emailed them with details to transfer one of my tickets to a friend. I couldn't see a phone number (but didn't look very hard). I hope they transfer it, or at least dont cancel it, cos i still dont beleive they will check everyones ID. anyway will post here if i get reply - positive or negative.
There's an article in the Times (page 3) today about this. ID will be checked when going into the grounds of if availing of the car park facilities, you will be asked for ID prior to getting on the bus that takes you to the K Club. They have also discouraged people from buying them on EBay as the names are not transferrable. They stated in some cases they will consider it but you need to contact the website.
I saw I.T. article today & got an E mail from the Ryder Cup people today. They will not give me a telephone no. to talk to them but say that they will not refund or allow a transfer of the ticket in my name that I cannot use. They will however consider a transfer of my wife's tickets to a relative if I provide their passport details immediately via an e mail.
Even if they do accept transfer of wife's tickets I cannot understand why they refuse to allow a transfer or refund my own ticket which I will be unable to use . They will I assume allow me to resell my parking tickets if I can find a buyer for them.
If as they say they are discouraging ticket touts & overpriced tickets why refuse to issue refunds? There must be many people like me who's circumstances have changed since tickets were bought & paid for well over 12 months ago. No doubt quite a few will even be deceased where the tickets cannot be passed on.
If as they say they are discouraging ticket touts & overpriced tickets why refuse to issue refunds?
Because they've shifted the tickets and probably don't want the hassle and cost of having to process a refund and sell them again. If they deducted administrative expenses from such refunds I'm sure people would be up in arms. I don't see how it's the seller's problem that the circumstances of some ticket buyers has changed such that they can no longer avail of them.
The IT article also mentioned that they have banned mobile phones and cameras on the course. I can't see how they could enforce this.
Yes rainyday . We have it in writing from the K Club that if any of our guests bring mobiles they will be confiscated at the gate. As, firstly, some people will ignore this warning and also the chances of everyone getting their mobile back is slim we have engaged a person to meet all our guests outside the security area and take and mind their mobiles. That coupled with the no transfer and ID requirements is turning the whole exersise into a monumental pain in the a** for us...... Almost sorry we started.
The reason cites for ordinary phone ban, is disturbing (allegedly) players.
Does anyone know if the ban apples on PRACTISE days as well?