Problem with Property Management Company



Hi all,

Hoping for a bit of advice here.
Had a problem in my apartment last year where the toilet kept blocking up.
To cut a long story short, after calling out a plumber on two occasions which didnt resolve the problem, I had to call in a drain company. After their investigations which cost €1000 they found that there were leaves and other objects blocking the drain outside the apartment due to an open gully. They were able to resolve the problem.

At the time I called on the block management company to see if they could do anything or if the block insurance would cover it. They said no.

Now after months of them ignoring me they refuse to accept responsibility for the problem.

In my opinion as they are paid to look after the block and the surrounding area, it was their problem. Surely the gulley should not have been left open in the first place?

I would like to go to the small claims court and was wondering if anyone knew if I had a leg to stand on?

Don't think it's a small claims court issue - you'll need to go the whole hog here if you are determined to go to court. I would start with a solicitors letter to the management AGENT as I suspect they are the people you are referring to rather than the management COMPANY.
Could you give more information? Based on the facts as you describe them, you are better advised not to enter litigation as a win for you, though probable, is worth far less than the amount you could be caught for if you lose.
If I were in your shoes I would get talking to your other neighbours, to explain what happened. The hefty sum that you and everybody else pays each year is collected to deal with the very type of maintenance issue that you paid to fix out of your own pocket. Your neighbours should be sympathetic towards you at the very least because you solved the problem for them too. I would ask for a meeting with the agent and put the case to him or her with the backing of fellow residents. If the agent does not play ball, I would threaten to sack him / her.
Another route you might try is by referring the matter to the consumer rights organisation. You paid for a service and did not get it.
If this is a relatively new build you may have come back from the delevopers as it they who put the drain in in the first place and should have closed the gully - this is option you could have the mgt agent address and the developer might cover the costs - particulary if they are still trying to sell in the area.