Problem with next doors landlord - what to do next?


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Hey All

I am wondering if anyone has had any experience with anything similar to my situation.

We live in an apartment block and the apartment beside us is rented out to a family with 2 kids. They have caused a nuisance since the day they arrived, they have been seen breaking into letter boxes, giving out the code of our doors to their friends, parties till all hours, screaming all through the night, smoking in the lifts, deals have been seen going on in the carpark (money changing hands for small bags etc). You should see the state of some of the people they are letting in...women with bloody noises and black eyes, its awful.

Last night i was woken up at 3AM with them killing each other. I feel bad as they have 2 kids who are listening to this all the time, but these people are knackers and its getting really frustrating. Complaints have been made to the landlandy through our management company and last Monday we were told they would be out my the end of the week (last week) there is no sign of them going and i just feel that its time the landlandy took responsibilty...

Any advice?

Oh and the police have been called and know exactly whats going on...the apartment was raided a couple of weeks ago. These are the type of people that you smile and say hello too when you see them, they could make life very difficult for us
Well I'm guessing you know not to get too involved. As you say, they could make life very difficult. You just dont know who they are related to or friends with. I would suggest you just let it run its course. For your own safety which is best seeing as the Gardai already know about them. Feel sorry for you.
yep we are going to stay well away from them. I am annoyed with the landlandy tho, she said they would be out by the end of the week last week and they dont look like they are going anywhere...
Lyndan said:
yep we are going to stay well away from them. I am annoyed with the landlandy tho, she said they would be out by the end of the week last week and they dont look like they are going anywhere...
The landlady probably already gave them notice as she is entitled to do under the Residential Tenancies Act, which allows for 7 days notice for serious anti-social behaviour - seems to be the case here with the Gardai etc. involved.

I don't know what the next step is if they refuse to vacate. The guards won't get involved as it's a civil matter. I had to evict someone some years ago, involving a court order, which they ignored, and then Bailiffs, which they couldn't ignore.

The court order took 2 months to obtain and the tenants were given a futher month to vacate. The eviction order for the Bailiffs took a further month to obtain - all in all it took 6 months to get them out.

Try talking to your Management Company to find out what the landlady has actually done and call the Guards every time there's a disturbance.
thanks delgirl, i hope it doesnt take that long to get them out! Ill be moving if thats the case!
I agree with delgirl. It can take ages to get tenants out. It is only right and proper that landlords can't turf people out into the streets. The proplem is that laws that protect tenants from abuse also protect tenants who abuse. It took me just over three months to get tenants out who were causing problems for their neighbours. Nothing as bad as in your case and I didn't have to resort to the bailiffs.