Problem with neighbour

What two spots? Its seems obvious that the OP only uses the neighbours spot when the ones nearest to their own house are occupied by someone else. First come first served.

If theres always free spots maybe theres enough spaces and people should agree to mark them.
Hi again,

Just to clarify, yes we are a two car household but a lot of the time we cannot park outside our own house because other people are parked there. My original point was that we don't go around bullying other people who park outside our house. We accept that these are the rules of the estate. I don't mind having to park across the road but obviously I am going to try and park as near to my house as possible - just like every other neighbour does. Every car space is outside somebody's house so its unavoidable not to park outside someone's front door.

We don't constantly park outside this particular neighbour's house - in fact, I've only parked there twice. My point is, that she has starting leaving notes and questioning us from the first time we did it. If we were parked there every evening, I could maybe understand where she's coming from, but its only been occasionally.

I would love to tell the people who park outside my door, to leave it free but I can't because they have the right to park there as per the terms of the estate rules. - and I accept that.

Looking at it from another angle - if she had the courtesy of asking us nicely to mind leaving that space free, maybe we would make a conscious decision not to park there but she started the bully tactics from Day 1. Most people would not put up with that.
Most people would not put up with that.
Yes - and a lot of them would just switch to one of the other spare spaces that you mentioned and avoid the conflict with this neighbour if it could not be resoved more amicably. I know that I would.
I guess it all boils down to how important it is to any particular individual to prove/score points in this context. For me it would be low on my priority list so I would just avoid the conflict since there is an option to do so with little or no hassle. Maybe for others (you, the original poster, the neighbour in question perhaps) it would rank higher and they would be happy to expend time and energy on pursuing it?
We had this problem too when we moved into our apartment. We treid to get some mediation with the Management Company but they weren't interested at all......Granted it was only a small developement but as residents we agreed to allocate each apt one spot with visitors and residents with more then one car using the overflow spaces. We did up a spreadsheet, went around each apt and had everyone sign it. worked out well and most of us got a space directly outside our own home's.......might be worth considering if it really is an issue.
I lived in the South of England for a few years before the property boom kicked off here and parking was a never-ending issue. Same problem as we have here now - all homes are only allotted space for one car, although most need two (or even more). It only takes one neighbour to start behaving unreasonably for tensions to rise very fast.

I think the best solution would be for the neighbours to meet as a group and try to set an informal 'parking policy' for the area because you can be sure that having others park in 'their' space irritates everbody. Otherwise it's you against this person and that kind of confrontation brings nothing but trouble.
The management company was still controlled by the developer when we had our parking issue and so we hadnt got much say in anything.....
Not a good idea to have disagreements with neighbours - if you don't have a residents' group maybe now would be a good time to get a few neighbours together and work out this type of thing to everyone's satisfaction.