Problem with ipod


Registered User
Hope somebody can help with this..

my ipod crashed today and i cant get it to do anything...i've tried resetting it but it makes no difference...i dont want to reformat it as the original songs are not on my PC at the moment...anyone got any ideas of how i might be able to get over this without reformatting?
Try using the firmware updater, you can download the latest one at the Apple website. IIRC there are two options with it to update the firmware or do a factory restore, don't pick the factory restore as that wipes the HD, the other option will update the firmware which might help if you iPod firmware is corrupted (and give some new features if you have old firmware).
my son got an ipod vidoe for Christmas, it worked for 10 mins then died and nothing could restore it, Apple give us a case ref to return it to the shop and replace it, however they only had an 80 gb( his was 30gb) and they would not have them in again until late January so my son put 100 euro of his Christmas money and upgraded, drove 1 hour to the shop got new one same problem except this one did not work at all, spoke to Apple same stiry , back to shop third one worked perfect from Dec 28th until today and same problem tried resetting no joy, computer will not recognise it , tried it on other computer and laptop no joy, any ideas??
my son got an ipod vidoe for Christmas, it worked for 10 mins then died and nothing could restore it, Apple give us a case ref to return it to the shop and replace it
Why were you dealing with the manufacturer at all rather than the retailer when the retailer is the responsible party in such a situation? Or did you buy it from Apple online or an Apple store?
The retailler give me Apples number to contact them but at this stage I think I will ask for my money back
Sounds like the retailer is attempting to dodge their obligations to the customer in this case. If you bought from a retailer and the goods are faulty then it's their responsibility to sort you out. See the [broken link removed] and websites for more on your statutory rights.
my three nephews got i-pods for xmas and their's started to freeze. the problem was they were disconnecting it from the computer by pulling the wire out without ejecting the ipod properly. If the screen is frozen try laying the ipod on a flat surface and hold down the centre button and the top of the scroll wheel for 6 to 10 secs. It seems to get the ipods going grand! the apple website has a great support section.
hold down the centre button and the top of the scroll wheel for 6 to 10 secs.

I done this to rectify the problem I had, which was that I was unable to power my 80G ipod off. I had to use the sleep function since this issue arose.
