We put an offer on a house back in August but are just in position now to sign contracts as the vendor was gathering various paperwork and certs.
It now seems that whilst planning permission was obtained and certified as complied with, the compliance with the building regulations is not completely satisfactory ie, they didn't have an engineer overseeing the work. We just found this out yesterday and are due to sign tomorrow our solicitor said we could be in trouble if we go to sell the house but that the architect drawings all looked good and the surveryor said all the work looked good. We are also waiting on the bank to say they'll even give us the money because of this issue, apparently it does come up alot with extended houses and the bank shouldn't have a problem.
We're really nervous now as I really don't want to be stuck with a house we can't sell on in the future, we've spent so much money on solicitors, surveyors I really don't want to back out and start looking for a house all over again. Do you think it would be reasonable to go back to the vendors and ask for a reduced price on the house to reflect this issue, I hate to do this to them but I really don't fancy handing over 750K for a house that mightn't be sellable in the future, I'm sure theres no problems with the work but those certs seem to be important for re-sale!!
All opinions welcome!
It now seems that whilst planning permission was obtained and certified as complied with, the compliance with the building regulations is not completely satisfactory ie, they didn't have an engineer overseeing the work. We just found this out yesterday and are due to sign tomorrow our solicitor said we could be in trouble if we go to sell the house but that the architect drawings all looked good and the surveryor said all the work looked good. We are also waiting on the bank to say they'll even give us the money because of this issue, apparently it does come up alot with extended houses and the bank shouldn't have a problem.
We're really nervous now as I really don't want to be stuck with a house we can't sell on in the future, we've spent so much money on solicitors, surveyors I really don't want to back out and start looking for a house all over again. Do you think it would be reasonable to go back to the vendors and ask for a reduced price on the house to reflect this issue, I hate to do this to them but I really don't fancy handing over 750K for a house that mightn't be sellable in the future, I'm sure theres no problems with the work but those certs seem to be important for re-sale!!
All opinions welcome!