Problem with Bank Of Ireland




I applied for a BOI credit card increase a few months ago over the phone and it was declined, as I was told that I had missed a payment within the last 6 months from my current account to a loan I already have with the BOI.
I had not missed a payment and promptly went into a branch of the BOI to find out what was happening with my loan as I was concerned something had happened that I was not aware of. The lady in the bank told me there were no payment problems and all payments were up to date. I explained to her what had happened with the CCand she was bemused and couldn't give me an answer.

I just got off the phone with BOI again, for a different increase and they again refused me on the basis that I missed payments on my current account for items that the guy on the phone could not give me details of.
I told him that it was not possible for a payment to be missed for anything, as I have a high balance in my account and have done for that past few months. I also questioned way the decision i made through the current account and not through my past history on the credit card, which is excellent. He just stated that it was to do with my credit history, blah, blah...but still could not answer me as to what was wrong with my current account.

I double checked my current account and all payments went through as normal and nothing is, why are BOI blemishing my name by saying I am missing payments, when in fact, I am not.
And more importantly what can I do about this?

I am just so annoyed, I always pay my CC bill on time, I clear it 100% almost all the time and am never late with payment. The same with my current account.

What recourse do I have with this as I am highly annoyed with what is going on?
When you say you always pay your cr card on time, could you accidentally have missed a month?

Do you have a history with any other Cr Card company that might be detrimental ?

When they say you missed a payment on your loan, was a DD returned unpaid but you subsequently paid it, so it's now up to date ?

Whether you are given a Cr Card in the first place depends on the performance of your c/a so they are interlinked for credit decisions.

Sorry for the inquisition but I work for BOI & trying to figure it out
Get in touch with the ICB and request a copy of your credit record. This will cost you a few euro. Unless there is something on this, I don't think you have anything to worry about.

If BoI are in the wrong, write (don't call) a formal letter of complaint, tell them you have spent money on getting your ICB record to verify there is nothing amiss and you want them to cover the cost.
Write to the banks "customer care" section and ask them what the issue is your are entitled to all information that they hold on you under the Data Protection Act - including records of telephone calls etc